Drum samples

Nov 24, 2012
it says i'm new here but im not.
I opened a new studio so i thought i should change my username - only way to do that was to open up a new account.

so, i'm looking for a variety of drum samples.
can someone direct me where i can find some decent metal drum samples/classic rock samples/vintage rock samples IN WAV?
I also dont mind if they cost money .. lol

please answer without any smart ass remarks by saying "try searching or googling it first, dumb ass". i say this cause a few people who come on this forum avidly like to insult new people for these kinds of requests.

this is a forum. there will be tons of new people. previous asked questions will be asked again. thats how we keep forums and whatnot alive...


so...any suggestions? :)
head over to seraphrecordings.com
awesome samples, and lots of them.

alchemistdrumsamples.bigcartel.com is another place where you can get a few packs

if you want more, you could check out truth custom drum samples or ample libraries.
there was a few that i liked from Lasse but i wasnt impressed with th ascend snare that everyones raving about.
lasses were the only samples that took a natural 3d form with smooth and sweet transients. he knows how to mic a kit properly it seems.
i actually prefer them over the steven slate drums. SSD are way too processed despite what people say.

thanks for the effort guys!

if your looking for GOOD samples, go to Lasse