Drum to MIDI conversion


Mar 29, 2009
So I've been trying to edit drums manually and its a PITA, i figured having the drums in a MIDI file as notes would save a whole lot of grief (I am using triggers and recording the ticks and using drumagog ATM)

I heard about toontrack drumtracker, but is there a more practical solution that would be implemented with protools and not a separate program?
Drumagog can output MIDI too, so you can trigger the splats and record the MIDI output from Drumagog to a new track.

I'm looking for something so I can output MIDI and have a set MIDI track to quantize and edit.

KTDrumTrigger, and it's free!

Isn't this basically drumagog?

massey dtm

I went to try and get this and it wont let me download unless I already have massey software. Is there another way to get it?
He's on PT otherwise I would've suggested KT as well...

Dude, make a new track, create a post FX send from your audio track so that Drumagog is sending the MIDI to the new track, arm the new track and set it to record from the MIDI input, let the track play through while recording on the new track and voila, instant MIDI track using software you already have.
I've got drumagog to output to a midi channel and note, but I can't get it to input to a MIDI track. The drumagog channels are not listed as inputs for either instrument tracks or midi tracks. Do you know about this?
I've literally just contacted Drumagog techies about this and they said...

"Using Drumagog's MIDI out in Pro Tools means you'll run into one limitation of Pro Tools, which is that it does not have a built-in way to route MIDI signal from a plugin back to an instrument track. We can still do it, but it means we need an additional piece to make the connection, either MIDI Pipe for Mac or MIDI Yoke for Windows. There is a good source on our website on setting up Drumagog's MIDI out for use with another drum synth. In the example we use Ocean Way Drums, but the routing for Drumagog in Pro Tools is exactly the same. You can find the instructions at http://www.drumagog.com/owd.htm"

I'd strongly recommend using Massey DTM which I luckily discovered this morning when I bought 4 Massey plugins. Its free if you buy a Massey plugin, which are actually amazing :lol:

Sounds odd. Even Reaper can do that.. (well, to be fair routing stuff it's the best part in Reaper)
Reaper's routing is untouchable.

Well to each their own. I'm sure reaper has some outstanding features from how people talk about it. But I guess its just too different for me. Joey and I sat on it for a half hour trying to find out how to cut something. I'd like to feel it out for a while but switching daws for me is like switching languages. I'm happy with nuendo for now until someone convinces me otherwise.
Joey and I sat on it for a half hour trying to find out how to cut something.


I've never extensively used anything else so I can't really compare to be fair. I don't think I like the idea of cutting things with my mouse, I'd rather fine tune the exact point I want it at by clicking and then moving it around to be able to see exactly where it's going to cut and then hitting a key to actually split it.

I've never extensively used anything else so I can't really compare to be fair. I don't think I like the idea of cutting things with my mouse, I'd rather fine tune the exact point I want it at by clicking and then moving it around to be able to see exactly where it's going to cut and then hitting a key to actually split it.

Yeah well it would suck when your editing drums and making thousands of cuts per song :(