Drum Triggering (yes another question)


Jun 17, 2008
Hey well i just got Drumagog and i had a question... basically how do you keep the "Naturalness" of the drums with triggering. For instance When i use a snare sample to replace my snare recording i usually think it sound to "fake"( Like a machine" or something and i want it to sound more realistic if that's the right word.

I was wondering how u guys manage this problem so that the drums dont sound that bad, especially when theres a drum roll the hits sound FAKE! .

Do you guys use like midi converters( i was reading somethign about that but didnt understand it) or maybe i was thinking of mixing both the triggered sound with the real one?

ANy help will be appreciated thanks!:rock:
I mix both the triggered one and the real one. I don't trigger snare rolls, I put the sensitivity in drumagog so that only hits arebeing detected, and I keep the original snare track a bit higher than the triggered one.

I don't know if I am doing it righ though.
yeah dude thanks.. i kinda do the same too, but i was wondering if there's like a solution for triggering drum rolls.
To begin with you want to get a good mic'ed drum sound. I only try to use samples as an enhancement to the natural mic'ed tracks. Kicks I will replace 100% with metal though. One thing that will help is that the more samples you have for one drum, the better off you are using them. Try not to replace the drum 100%. Just try blending the sample in a little bit at a time. If there are lots of rolls you will most likely have to do some manual replacing or automation. The goal is to use samples as a spice ;)

Thanks man... Yeah dude i think i need to work on my mic placement for snare because the snare sound im getting isnt doing much lol. But i understand now, I shouldn't really abuse triggering to avoid killing the "natural" drum take.

But one more question do u guys add drummagog as a plug-in for each track.... for example the Kick, Do you guys just add the plug in for that track or do u guys create an Aux track to add the Drummagog?
You put Drumagog on the track you want it to replace from.

PhilR: Both MdN and 13th Step have great drum sounds! MdN has a kick sound that just floors me in particular :)

By any chance do you have the kick sample for 13th step????

Sounds GOOD.:kickass:

I imagine they were made from samples of Josh Freeses kit.

I've experimented a few times with taking a single sample and bouncing it to a seperate track alongside the main snare/kick. This can then be processed to hell and blended to taste.

Mixing the kick sound with a short 30-40Hz sine is something I'm liking as well. Really makes the kick pound.