MIDI Triggered Toms?


Oct 10, 2009
New-ish to MIDI... I use Drumagog and it's usually pretty good with snare and kick (triggered from real playing) but toms it seems to always blow ass at. No matter how I adjust resolution or whatever I either get zero hits or a thousand lol. I'm thinking of just mapping the tom notes with midi and triggering this with drumagog , would this work better? Is MIDI triggering always flawless or can it fuck up hits as well?
If your gonna go in and do the hits manually in midi, you would probably be using the same amount of time to just manually replace your tom hits.

If you don't wanna go in and do it all by hand then check out these

This ones free:

I have no qualms with doing it by hand , I just want to make sure if I go through all the effort , that the hits will be picked up properly, right now Drumagog goes into seizures whenever toms come around haha
Well if your gonna go in and replace the hits by hand, The only thing that would cause it from not being picked up properly would be you misplacing the hits.
Ok cool , because when I was aligning the original toms perfectly on the grid they still weren't being picked up correctly ... hopefully this will work better
MIDI will work better, there is no bleed, the hit is consistent - good to go!