Drum video at the studio

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK

Craig Reynolds from "The Haarp Machine" came by to hang out and recorded some jams for his Vic Firth endorsement.

A lot of room mics there as the live room sounds really good, VERY slight touch of EQ across (barely at all, it's all mic positioning), slight compression on kick and snare to even dynamics JUST a hair and that's pretty much it, super natural stuff.
Awesome man! The small room gives the mids kind of an "ah" sound, but other than that it sounds pretty great!
Cheers dude, yeah it does, you can mainly tell when the China is being hit as the main rhythm, that has mostly to do with positioning, the china is right next to a wall and that wall is untreated apart from the diffusion which is not high enough for that cymbal, so it's creating loads of standing waves and reflections there, the ceiling is VERY high though, which helps, but if you move the drums more to the center of the room that tones down by LOT which we didn't do because well, it wasn't anything serious
Damn how much I love that guy's drumming. One of my favorite drummers. That video was so awesome, fking groovie. Sounds nice also. \m/
Foda-se, bateras do caralho!lol Aqui em portugal, pessoal assim é um achado!ahah Very cool video and drum sound.
is that a sono drumkit?
goddamn it seems the same as my bro's... not sounding that good lol

It's a Mapex I believe? My mind is playing tricks atm.

I don't fully understand if you're saying your brother's kit doesn't sound that good or if the clip doesn't sound good. Although, as I previously stated, this is as a raw as it gets, apart from very few surgical cuts for general garbage, the skins on the whole kit, apart from the snare, are at least 6 months old LOL
It's a Mapex I believe? My mind is playing tricks atm.

I don't fully understand if you're saying your brother's kit doesn't sound that good or if the clip doesn't sound good. Although, as I previously stated, this is as a raw as it gets, apart from very few surgical cuts for general garbage, the skins on the whole kit, apart from the snare, are at least 6 months old LOL

my bro's kit not sounding this good ;)
Yours it's fucking great