Updates from the Studio.

metalkingdom said:
No, I'm talking about phase issues. Who the fuck says "inverted polarity" in the studio?
Relax dude, just trying to understand what you're saying.
But, phase and polarity are two different things. A phase issue will cause comb filtering, not complete cancellation, that was the point. :)
Round 1 - Fight !
Sorry Brett... ain't gonna happen.

Everyone is entitled to thier opinion.... things can get waaay out of hand on the net. Lack of face-to-face conversation can bring about all sorts of misinterpretations. Differences of opinion can be taken as a 'slight' or 'disrespect' and then the whole situation can dissolve into something ugly.

I take an old school approach to recording drums. I've said that countless times. If MK doesn't dig my drum sound, that's his opinion, and he's welcome to it. Different approaches to the same situation... that sort of thing.

Generally, the mood on this forum is helpful, and that why I'm here everyday. Being bull headed about things doesn't help much. You'd be surprised at what you can learn, even if it goes against your instincts.
Hell, I've even tried some different approaces to overheads due to Mr. Murphy's advice.... so yeah, I'll give some boosting EQ a shot, but generally, in past experience, I don't care for it.

Let's put it this way: If I ever meet Metalkingdom in real life, I'll buy him a beer, and hopefully we can sit down & discuss the art of recording drums in great detail. Because trading ideas is a good thing.

metalkingdom said:
I don't know how the overheads will have anything to do with the toms sounding thin. It doesn't make sense.


perhaps if the oh's were highpassed and were to high in the mix?
metalkingdom said:
I don't know how the overheads will have anything to do with the toms sounding thin. It doesn't make sense.

Uhm, am I wrong in saying that it does make sense?
the tom sound in the tom mic and the OH mics arrive at different times and thus can cause phase cancellation, thus leading to a thin sound?

Mind me, I've never dealt with phase cancellation and such. Just checking if I'm wrong. :)
OzNimbus said:
Sorry Brett... ain't gonna happen.

Everyone is entitled to thier opinion.... things can get waaay out of hand on the net. Lack of face-to-face conversation can bring about all sorts of misinterpretations. Differences of opinion can be taken as a 'slight' or 'disrespect' and then the whole situation can dissolve into something ugly.

I take an old school approach to recording drums. I've said that countless times. If MK doesn't dig my drum sound, that's his opinion, and he's welcome to it. Different approaches to the same situation... that sort of thing.

Generally, the mood on this forum is helpful, and that why I'm here everyday. Being bull headed about things doesn't help much. You'd be surprised at what you can learn, even if it goes against your instincts.
Hell, I've even tried some different approaces to overheads due to Mr. Murphy's advice.... so yeah, I'll give some boosting EQ a shot, but generally, in past experience, I don't care for it.

Let's put it this way: If I ever meet Metalkingdom in real life, I'll buy him a beer, and hopefully we can sit down & discuss the art of recording drums in great detail. Because trading ideas is a good thing.


I don't drink. Just kidding.

I'm not trying to start shit at all. I'm just telling you that there is no way in hell that the overheads are making his toms out of phase.

I take an "old school" approach to recording drums when I'm doing "old school" type sessions. Even in those situations, boosting of the eq is pretty much a necessity.
deathtotaliban said:
looks awesome dawnofadream, ill def listen when i can get home (damn school filter). And to metalkingdom we can see you have balls now shut the fuck up and learn to compromise.


You should stay in school for a little while longer.
metalkingdom said:
I don't drink. Just kidding.

I'm not trying to start shit at all. I'm just telling you that there is no way in hell that the overheads are making his toms out of phase.

Alright, no problem. If that's what you're hearing, that's cool. I have a different opinon on things, and I guess it really depends on how high his overheads are in the mix. What I'm talking about I discussed in my drum guide.
Specifically, here: phase issues download the examples & you can hear what I'm talking about.

I centered that article around the snare, but from my own experience, it applies to toms as well. Then again, I love lots of toms in my overheads, so this is possibly where we're in disagreement.... just a guess, anyway.
I use the overheads for the 'air' on the toms, and the close mics for the 'boom' If they're cancelling each other out, the bottom end disappears. Maybe I should have explained my approach earlier & saved some grief :)

BTW, I would be very interested in checking out some of your work. Any links?

Take care,
the toms sound fine to me. They sound like drums that were miked and without any EQ, compression and whatnot, just like the dude said. putting the polish on them will help of course, but the basic tone there sounded good to me. I'd imagine they'll sound real nice once the recording is mastered.

BTW, I don't think I've ever heard a Yamaha kit that didn't sound really good if you take into consideration the price point of each kit. From mid level sets to the pro levels, they all have sounded great.
OzNimbus said:
Alright, no problem. If that's what you're hearing, that's cool. I have a different opinon on things, and I guess it really depends on how high his overheads are in the mix. What I'm talking about I discussed in my drum guide.
Specifically, here: phase issues download the examples & you can hear what I'm talking about.

I centered that article around the snare, but from my own experience, it applies to toms as well. Then again, I love lots of toms in my overheads, so this is possibly where we're in disagreement.... just a guess, anyway.
I use the overheads for the 'air' on the toms, and the close mics for the 'boom' If they're cancelling each other out, the bottom end disappears. Maybe I should have explained my approach earlier & saved some grief :)

BTW, I would be very interested in checking out some of your work. Any links?

Take care,

The funny thing is, I was just thinking "if the overheads are super loud (or if you don't eq the lows out), then you may have some phase issues with the toms".

It's all good, dude.

You can check out my work at Best Buy or Tower Records. I don't think that you're gonna like the music, though! :yuk:

Seriously, I'll put up a link on this thread later today. Take it easy.
metalkingdom said:
The funny thing is, I was just thinking "if the overheads are super loud (or if you don't eq the lows out), then you may have some phase issues with the toms".

It's all good, dude.
That's exactly what I was getting at. It wasn't a case of the OH being out of phase with each other (they weren't) but the close mics working against them on a few toms.

That's pretty much what I listen for first in a drum mix. "Are all the mics working together?" ... that sort of thing.

Anyway, peace.

nwright said:
BTW, I don't think I've ever heard a Yamaha kit that didn't sound really good if you take into consideration the price point of each kit. From mid level sets to the pro levels, they all have sounded great.

You're absolutely right. Yamaha makes great drums. Even the cheap kits sound great.

Nitronium Blood said:
This is good to know, thanks. I was never sure what brand to go for with regards to a low budget kit :)

you'd be surprised how many pro studios get away with a cheap yamaha sets. . the only two i've ever worked in. . . but most of the more well known bands have their gear situation on lockdown.

just for the record. . i want to say that Oz is such a cool guy. He proved to us that not only does he know his stuff about recording, but he is superb at dealing with people. he turned, what could have been a flamefest, into a friendly chat. cheers. i commend that alone, and i am very interested in hearing MK's work, as well but there isn't a tower or best buy near my house. only sam goody. :grin:
xmidihcx said:
these drums sound KILLER! do you guys rent time at a studio or is this your own studio? i would love to get some time there some day :loco: i am totally pumped about hearing the new sicks deep. New York don't fuck around guys!:rock: I just wanna throw in my 2 cent about the toms thing. . . i thing that your kit has plenty of treble, not all of which you are going to need to use in the final mixdown. but it will be useful when all you gotta do is cut some mids to acheive a crystal clear high end. i would totally reccomend checking for phase issues as oz said, because he obviously knows his stuff, but also you might just wanna try boosting the overall level of the toms by 3-6db, and maybe cut some treble out?, i'm sure you guys are going to make these drums sound phenomenal for this record. ROCK THE FUCK ON!

awsome ! glad to see a friend and a NYC neighbor on these boards! thankyou very much for the kind words man , we are very excited about this one. . . Our Music has taken a drastic change for the better ... See you soon !
nwright said:
the toms sound fine to me. They sound like drums that were miked and without any EQ, compression and whatnot, just like the dude said. putting the polish on them will help of course, but the basic tone there sounded good to me. I'd imagine they'll sound real nice once the recording is mastered.

BTW, I don't think I've ever heard a Yamaha kit that didn't sound really good if you take into consideration the price point of each kit. From mid level sets to the pro levels, they all have sounded great.

Thanks bro , yea they really are going to be massive... I can't wait till its all done .... and I agree about Yamaha Drums, there stuff is just top notch in my book , I also own a Recording Custom set and it amazing in the studio, had to go with the oaks this time though, truely unique and powerful!
J the TyranT said:
Rockland County? No shit, I was just up there last May. Damn that Spring Valley...


haha get the hell out of here, I live and my band Rehearses in Nanuet, We record in Pomona @ hollow studios.... We are very good friends with the owner Joe , he takes great care of us ....Great dude, and he really knows his stuff, We are very lucky to have him on our team ! www.hollowstudio.com