Drumagog Auto Ducking


MaN Of MaNy NamEZ
Oct 2, 2007
I have read through my manual and tried applyin the auto ducking on overheads and i just cant seem to get the hang of it? Im trying to get out the toms and the snare in the overheads. Could anyone give me some tips on how to do this propely, since there are ALOT of people that use Drumagog.Thanks..Also just bought the Slate 2.0. VERY NICE
hmm sry dude..cant help u there......All I can say is - wait for slates tutorial :)
I don't like the ducking feature.

If the drummer hits the crash at the beginning of a tom fill, the decay of the crash gets ducked too.

Try Eq'ing the OH's to get as much snare and toms out as possible, highpassing at 300hz helps a lot.

Also try sliding your drumagogged track ahead by 2-3 milliseconds to better cover up the original kit sounds in the OH's.