drumagog + pro tools 8... sketchy


Jan 16, 2009
Anyone else having problems with Drumagog and PT 8??
The GUI always goes haywire for me and I just realized the only time I get PT crashes is when I have drumagog on an insert.
Am I alone?? if not... any solutions?
Not a solution Jordan but I have been using a wrapped version of apTrigga with absolutely zero problems, might want to look into that. It seems to be a lot more accurate than Drumagog as well, although I know you will still tab through and check everything anyways.

Is it maybe a Snow Leopard issue or are you on Leopard?
leopard, 10.5.5... i'm going to try completely re-installing drumagog and see if that helps.
I wanted to try apTrigga but two things keep me away - no multisamples and no stereo support. has this changed or simply not true?
Neither are true, I use it with stereo samples often with no problems, and it allows up to 9 samples that you can cycle through randomly, or in round robin, or you can separate them into 9 velocities and make it velocity sensitive.

The ONLY thing it lacks that Drumagog can do is combining the velocity sensitive modes and multisampling modes. So like, in Drumagog you set it up for light, medium, and hard velocities, with 5 samples per velocity say as an example. apTrigga can't do this, it can only do multisamples at a single dynamic level. So if you set it in "Random" mode and load 5 samples, it will cycle between those 5 samples randomly regardless of what volume the audio is coming in. It does have velocity tracking so it will play the sample quiter or louder depending on the incoming audio and all of that is configurable, but it's playing a HARD sample quieter, not playing a quiet sample at it's intended volume, know what I'm saying?

Alternatively you can set it in dynamic mode and you can set up up to 9 layers, but only one sample per layer. Kind of a bitch, but I've found that I don't really need things to be velocity sensitive like that honestly. 99% of the time you want everything to be a full volume sample anyways, and listening to your stuff I haven't really noticed you triggering any soft samples. If you needed to you could go back and put them in manually.

But yeah, that's the only limitation.
Yeah that's pretty much how I use drumagog.. i mute all the samples except the hardest group, and have dynamic tracking down at 20 or 30.

The only time it comes in handy is for what you describe Aptrigga as lacking. Sometimes on a big drumroll I'll let it trigger with all groups open so it sounds more real.
If I can't fix my drumagog problems I'll probably be checking that out. thanks!
I'm personally really looking forward to that Slate Digital Trigger plugin, basically Drumagog but allowing you to layer different GOGs at different levels, so you can combine close mic, overhead and room all at the same time without separate tracks...

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yeah totally. Especially if it's as accurate as they're saying, should be awesome!!

Apparently there's a big drumagog update on the way too though. I wonder which will be better.
keep me up to date on this drumagog stuff

i literally can't do my job without drumagog.

please do not give me the whole aptrigga spiel, i bought it, own it, and don't like it.
need drumagog or no go.
seems a lot more stable now since doing a clean install of drumagog, no crashes since.
still some bugginess in the GUI though.
definitely stoked for TRIGGER
fwiw the only technical problem i have with drumagog aside from timing issues ;) is that the midi input doesnt work in pro tools 8, but apparently their working on it