At the moment I use SX3,When I record a mic'd drum take I also record a full midi track of triggered bass drums and snare from my Roland TD-12. I then edit it in Cubase to 'tidy'
it up. Then I'll get the sounds I want out of the TD-12 send the midi track to the TD12 and record the audio from the main outs of the TD12 as a new track in cubase. This has always been ok. I've been playing with a demo version of drumagog pro and have been using it with the real mic'd tracks of snare and kick and it sounds pretty good, definitely more realistic than the td12 sounds. What I really want to do is actually send the recorded drum trigger midi track straight to drumagog in cubase. Acording to the manual it can be done by setting the output of the midi track to drumagog. I've tried it and set the midi channel etc as stated in the manual, Only thing is I can't seem to get it to work at all. I don't really need to record audio from drumagog as I use the spdif on my firepod as the mix out directly to an Audio CDR so all I need to do is to get drumagog to trigger from my midi track during playback. I'm pretty much a cubae novice so any help or if anyone else has had any luck with this kind of thing I'd be eternally grateful! If I can get it to work I'll be buying the full version of Drumagog.
