
Apr 8, 2006
Hiya guys,
I'm using drumagog on my snare at the mo, and its all going fine until out of no where a random flam hit come in (when there shouldnt be one). Anyone no how to fix this??

Another thing is the kick, It doesnt seem to pick up double kicks up well ethier. I've had this programme for a few months now and still cant grasp it propely.
Any Suggestions???????

Yeah, I get like a nice resolution consisty on it, then out of no where the flam hits come in, or just doesnt play them all (like on snare rolls). I'm mxing as we speak now amd i'm now finding that it might cut the sound out altogther in some bits, grrrr :mad:
I'm using the Andy Sneap snare, So the samples should line up really.
drumagog can be shit on flams occasionally,if you cant get the settings right. Just get them as good as you can, then replace the flams by hand
This happens to me on almost every track, and for snare, I'll zoom in on the waveform and loop the section where the flam or mistrigger is and edit the snare track accordingly until Drumagog no longer mistriggers.

For kick, I like to set Drumagog to make sure it's triggering every hit, and then record all the data to a MIDI track, edit any mistriggers or inconsistency in playing and send this clean MIDI track back to Drumagog to ensure everything is how it should be. This is assuming however, that you're replacing the kick 100%.
This happens to me on almost every track, and for snare, I'll zoom in on the waveform and loop the section where the flam or mistrigger is and edit the snare track accordingly until Drumagog no longer mistriggers.

For kick, I like to set Drumagog to make sure it's triggering every hit, and then record all the data to a MIDI track, edit any mistriggers or inconsistency in playing and send this clean MIDI track back to Drumagog to ensure everything is how it should be. This is assuming however, that you're replacing the kick 100%.

Sorry for being so dumb, But how do you correct it for each part, because I thought ever how you set your resolution and sensitivity it stays like like that though out the track??
Right another thing, you got me thinking now,

" For kick, I like to set Drumagog to make sure it's triggering every hit, and then record all the data to a MIDI track, edit any mistriggers or inconsistency in playing and send this clean MIDI track back to Drumagog to ensure everything is how it should be. This is assuming however, that you're replacing the kick 100%."

I'm a newby to drumagog, how does this process work. Turning it to midi? Because I know how to do it via Logic, but thats pretty inconsistent.
If it is only a few part you can go into the wave form and automate it so it drops out when the flam happens. It is happening because your source files are not recorded with enough transits.

EDIT: I am not talking about the final product our of drumagog. I am talking about doing it so drumagog does not trigger the part.
Sorry for being so dumb, But how do you correct it for each part, because I thought ever how you set your resolution and sensitivity it stays like like that though out the track??

I think maybe you misunderstood, I keep the threshold and resolution the same throughout the track, it's the actual snare wav file that I edit. Sometimes Drumagog can't pick up a transient well enough or maybe too much cymbal bleed got through the snare mic and it's triggering that as well as the initial snare hit, resulting in a flam or mistrigger.

Oh, and yeah Greyskull, I do it that way sometime as well, just depends really.
Yea - editing manualy the crap out of the source track - bounce the Drumagog output - check through that track as well, replace all mistriggers manualy.

Drumagog is shurely one of the coolest stuff of modern recording technique - but it is not a "set and forget" tool (esp when dealing with fast and complex program material)

It often needs up to a couple of days to replace the drumtracks on a regular metal-release.
