Drumagog randomly flamming the snare

Dug around- found nothing.

Everything is slipped into place. Single hits with clear transients are randomly flamming. When I go and play back over it sometimes it doesn't flam... Sometimes it does. It's driving me crazy.

I cant think of any type of simple solution and I am pretty sure everything is dialed in correctly...

The only thing I can think of is pretty much going back in on every single hit and clipping the decay off every hit but that is going to be a pain in the ass.

Read around that transient designers before drumagog can help too, and I have never experimented with one before. The only pc based one with reviews and shit is sonnox

Fucking hella tired I hope this makes sense and someone can help me out with this situation

You have to look over every single track when you replace, atleast when you dont have trigger-tracks recorded. It is time consuming but it will help you in the end.
I never had the problem you described though.
I have this exact problem but with my kick. I had a search a couple of weeks ago and found that it has a lot to do with the auto-align. So my next question is... do yo have auto-align activated? Also, are you blending the sample with the original audio?

Another thing, in the advanced tab, check that you have advanced triggering on and that it's not boosted to the max. If it is, its look-ahead can sometimes get a little zealous and trigger from sounds that aren't there yet
That's Drumagog for you, it's inconsistent even at being shit. Get used to printing and checking over each individual sample or just buy Trigger and be done with it.

quick. your post might get edited ;)
You can sometimes tell by looking at the transient if it's going to give you trouble, and I think the parameters on the plugin allow you to fix most issues with Drumagog (IMHO). I'd keep working with those parameters, or just cut and paste good hits in where the bad ones are. I can usually set Drumagog to be consistent on an entire track and be done with it.

Heck, Trigger is flamming more for me now, but I'm sure it's just a matter of getting used to the plugin.
@Nwright.. what DAW are you using?
I found that Trigger is best when you use it as a stereo plugin on an aux and send the drum to be triggered to the left side of the aux's input.
Otherwise the suppression control gets confused.
@Nwright.. what DAW are you using?
I found that Trigger is best when you use it as a stereo plugin on an aux and send the drum to be triggered to the left side of the aux's input.
Otherwise the suppression control gets confused.

I use Cubase 5.1. I just use it as an insert on the actual drum track and blend to taste. While I've had some flamming, I've resolved them all without having to manipulate the waveforms, just tweaking the params. Overall, the experience with Trigger has been great (well, besides not being able to load my own multisamples). I've not found a need to use any suppression as of yet. The aux idea sounds like a good easy solution, though.

I've just never had a bunch of trouble with Drumagog. Aptrigga has always been harder for me to use, aside from kicks (due to the high fast transients). Aptrigga sounds better to me, and definitely worth the purchase. Drumagog was the easiest to configure, but it didn't sound as good as Aptrigga. Trigger so far has trumped them all in terms of ease, accuracy and sound quality, though, in comparison to loading Slate tones in the other 2 plugins.
goddamn, am i the only person who this program works for?

i've found that the only time i get flamming issues is if i set it to trigger perfectly during blastbeats, and then the song goes into a slower passage with harder hits

in this case, i set the threshold and resolution to trigger 100% correctly on the fast part, bounce that track, set it to trigger on the slower parts with harder hits, bounce that, and then comp the tracks together. takes a few minutes, but this way you know that your snare isn't fucked up, and you save a little bit of CPU by getting rid of an instance of drumagog!
goddamn, am i the only person who this program works for?

i've found that the only time i get flamming issues is if i set it to trigger perfectly during blastbeats, and then the song goes into a slower passage with harder hits

in this case, i set the threshold and resolution to trigger 100% correctly on the fast part, bounce that track, set it to trigger on the slower parts with harder hits, bounce that, and then comp the tracks together. takes a few minutes, but this way you know that your snare isn't fucked up, and you save a little bit of CPU by getting rid of an instance of drumagog!

I've never bounced anything or had to run multiple tracks with multiple thresholds with Drumagog. After some tweaking, it usually just works 100% I may have to replace some flamming hits maybe one snare hit every song. Otherwise it's always worked for me.

I'm finding Trigger to be even easier, and it sounds better and uses less CPU resources.
My drumagog works fine. It has some tweakable buttons to make it work properly. Input, Sensitivity, Resolution & Freq.
If it don't works at all, I eq the snare track (previously copied) bringing out the 200 hz area and burying the rest. Then select 200 hz in drumagog freq. Sometimes it can work even in a full stereo drum track.
Colonels technique was something I thought about if I had to use drumagog in a song that had a ton of dynamic drumming... I think I'll look into trigger and aptrigga to see if there is more flexibility or to see if it just works better for me. I just don't have money to throw around and I am going to dig and see if trigger only allowed slate samples... I'd like to be able to use my own eventually

But like I said, the flamming is random and the transients are consistent... This is the only session its happened with me too and it's the best product I've had yet too so it's more of a pain in the ass.

I have the advanced triggering all the way up and my setup is disassembled due to my whole mobile thing I'm doing so I can't say whether or not auto-align is on or off... I would assume it's on when months ago I found out about the whole fixed latency thing (that made me feel like the biggest fucking idiot ever) and usually just take the dynamic tracking feature off

anymore advice or related would be awesome guys thanks