Drumagog randomly mutes some channels?


They call me Juha
May 15, 2005
Espoo, Finland
Well, this seems to happen a little too often for my tastes. For example:

1) I add 14 MIDI tracks
2) I assign Drumagog to each of them exactly in the same manner
3) Now, out of those 14, a random number will not have any sound whatsoever.

In my latest template project, it's 5 channels out of 14 without any sound coming out at all after I add Drumagog. All the other channels work perfectly, and those 5 muted channels are even completely randomly among the working ones. There's no logic, no pattern or anything reasonable why some channels get completely muted with even the same .gog file selected.

All other effects added to the channel will work perfectly, but the second I load up Drumagog into it, the whole channel just stops, there's not even a volume meter running up and down. When I remove Drumagog, it works exactly like it should, again :p

Anyone got something similar happen? Any fix?

Oh, and it's version 4.02

Even stranger. When I click on the piano roll, the sound plays normally. But when it plays by itself, there is no sound at all. Only when I click on the notes. I also tried various MIDI velocities, but no bang.
Well, the thing is that if I add a new MIDI track and assign the *same* channel to it, it works like it should, so it's more a nuisance :p It just happens so often, that I don't think it's just limited to me.

I guess it just wants to bring some excitement into making a new template :D