Anyone having strange latency issues with Drumagog?


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I didnt search yet but as of today I am having super latency problems with Drumagog that I cant seem to correct other than sliding my Kick and Snare Track Forward to try and line up the timing.

I know on Sunday I allowed my Max OS 10.5 or so to do some updates. I recorded a little more after that on Sunday but didnt notice anything.

As of today Every Recording session from recent to 7 months ago has the same problem.

Even when I bypass Drumagog the Track plays with bad latency.

Only way it goes away is to remove Drumagog from the track completely.

Anyone have such an experience lately?

I tried reinstalling the latest patch which I already had but no success.

Really sucks.
I had some latency issues with drumagog on my windows comp. Turns out my buffer load got switched to a lower rate and it messed everything up. You might wanna check that.

Best of luck.
I had this problems when I was using cubase.
Now on logic no problems.
Buffer is set to 128. Recording mode is on (higher cpu-usage)
And drumagog is set to live-mode.

I have drumagog for 3 years now, but I realy dont understand some nobs;)
Like the advanced mode??? this one never worked for me.
Or like the latency nob. It doesnt do what I would understand under the name.
Like with 60ms no hearable latency???

my 2cent
I never got Drumagog to work well, it's not very accurate. I can hear the sample triggering at different timing in relation to the original drum.
Maybe I don't know how to work well with it. :confused:

Drumrehab on the other hand is sample accurate, I don't hear any difference in time relation between the sample and original drum.
it happen yesterday to me, that i bypassed ozone 4, the bypass light went red, but it still worked. i reverted to saved session, and everything was fine.
dk if u have PT8, but maybe its a bug with the bypass of 3th party plugs, coz in that case you`d have still the latency.
