
Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
I just recieved (from the US) a copy of a drummer called Bobby Rock's latest video and cd.

This guy is amazing - better then anyone I've seen before (and before you ask - i've seen heaps including Terry Bozzio, Virgil Donati, Mike Portnoy, Neil Peart, Dennis Chambers, etc)

He plays a 21 piece kit ( and has 22 cymbals) and he knows how to use every piece on that kit.

You can check him out at www.bobbyrock.com
Originally posted by Seventh Son

He plays a 21 piece kit ( and has 22 cymbals) and he knows how to use every piece on that kit.

:eek: :eek: :eek: Does he have to get up and run between the really far ones or what? :lol:
Originally posted by phlogiston
Don't be so fucking stupid Spawn. Get up and run. Sheesh. It's obvious he'd use broom handles for sticks.


Derr, as IF! He would use 2 pole vaults of course!

:lol: :lol:
Bobby Rock? As in ex-Vinnie Vincent's Invasion?

He played on both Vinnie's albums from the 80s and despite looking like a drag queen, did a damn fine job :).

Of course, bearing in mind some of the rumours I've heard about Mr Vincent over the years, perhaps looking like a reject from Priscilla is a pre-requisite for being in his band :lol:

Hahahahaha Bobby Rock !!!!!!

That man was ALL class in the 80s!!!!

1986-1988 he was in Vinnie Vincent's Invasion...
1989-1991 he was in Nitro!!! Hahahaha!

:lol: :lol:

(I like both of those bands, but I still find them funny haha) :D