Drums for a band I'm going to record.

I've programmed it with StevenSlateDrums 3.5. In SSD I've set some envolopes on nearly everything.

There is some Eq on on everything. (cymbals only lowcut) -> envelope-shaper on snare and toms -> spacedesigner on snare and toms (I'm using Logic Pro btw) -> and bitchrusher on kick, snare and toms... thats all. :)
haha beware of the macbook speakers, i did the same thing and couldnt hear my kick at all so i adjusted it nearly knocked me down when i plugged them into my monitors. now i dont try to adjust anything unless im using my monitors

I don't want to overdo it on the snare... because when I'm hearing my drums on my macbookspeaker's, the snare cuts really good. :D

But maybe I can add some attack on the enveloper. :)
sounds fake.


- work more with groove oriented quantization.
- velocities can help with a lot with the artificial sounding cymbals.
- subtle mixing choices will improve drastically; eq-clipper-transient designer.
- mix can also benefit by reducing some midrange frequency content in the cymbals.
- the cymbals seem a bit too loud for the entire drum mix, if you treat them they will sing.
- kick has a strange boxy disparity that can improve by adding some lower frequency content and mild frequency enhancement.

once you have worked out some of the imperfections in the entire drum mix (in terms of level and mix choices) you can treat the entire mix as a group and use some mild multiband compression (lightly). this may improve how the drums glue together and highlight the more important transients.
sounds fake.


- work more with groove oriented quantization.
- velocities can help with a lot with the artificial sounding cymbals.
- subtle mixing choices will improve drastically; eq-clipper-transient designer.
- mix can also benefit by reducing some midrange frequency content in the cymbals.
- the cymbals seem a bit too loud for the entire drum mix, if you treat them they will sing.
- kick has a strange boxy disparity that can improve by adding some lower frequency content and mild frequency enhancement.

once you have worked out some of the imperfections in the entire drum mix (in terms of level and mix choices) you can treat the entire mix as a group and use some mild multiband compression (lightly). this may improve how the drums glue together and highlight the more important transients.

Did you mean something like "swing" for example with groove oriented quantization ?
Velocity changes are one of my biggest problem at the moment... :(

That kick thing that you've mentioned... I've got the strange feeling that StevenSlate Drums give's me this problem...
Sometimes it sounds like SSD gives me some random samples.
I think that because this disparity is never on the same spot. :/

And... did you mean with some frequency enhancer or just with the eq ?

I will try to use your tips and post a new version this afternoon.

Thank you. :)
groove quantization - edit the drums to the grid, then use a groove template of your choice. this will move the midi cells individually off the grid by micro points. then simply edit all the instrumentation (bass/gtr/vox/etc) to the drums. no, i do not mean "swing."

pulling out 200-250hz will help with the kick disparity. also use a hpf (highpass filter) and cutt off about 30hz.

when i say "frequency enhancement," i am referring to software plugins like maxxbass/rbass/lo-air. this type of frequency enhancement is done by analyzing low frequencies to create harmonics which are perceived as lower, deeper tones. it uses psycho acoustics to calculate precise harmonics that are related to the fundamental tones of sound.

basically, it's magic!
Yeah, I don't like the SSD cymbals too. Thinking of getting the dreaming cymbals from the JS sample sets.

I've also bring down the cymbals more and set new velocities... again. :D

Soo I'll start tracking guitar's today and after tracking and some mixing I'm coming back. ^^

Maybe it sounds less fake with all the other instruments.
^^^Not necessarily true. It'll still sound "fake" if the programming, velocity, and timing isn't realistic (pretty redundant). While it may help a TINY bit, it's still going to sound artificial with other instruments if it sounds artificial soloed out.
^^^Not necessarily true. It'll still sound "fake" if the programming, velocity, and timing isn't realistic (pretty redundant). While it may help a TINY bit, it's still going to sound artificial with other instruments if it sounds artificial soloed out.

I'm giving my best, but I don't think that I will getting it right so fast. ^^

The Band is pretty happy with the drums and the really... really rough mix is sounding cool too. My best work at the moment.

(It was a hard weekend for me... 4 tracks in 2 Days... and one song was was written in the studio... also all lyrics. :D)
Soo, here is the rough mix.

There is pretty much nothing done... no edit, slightly eq'ing and espacially at this track no velocity changes on the snare...
because this was the song written in the studio,a nd after this weekend I need a break. ...this was so hard. XD
I'm going to start editing tomorrow.

But anyway's I'm thinking this is a good starting point.


So what do you guy's think ? What are the biggest mistakes I've made ?

(sorry for my bad english again. :D)