Get Superior to sound like Slate Drums?!


Jun 15, 2010
Hey guys!
I'm recording with a band right now who wants "the Emmure kick" from the Speaker of the Dead album. Currently I am working with Superior Drummer 2.0 and do not have access to Slate drums.
Any tips or advice on getting Superior's kick to sound kinda like the Slate kick from that album? Any help will be appreciated!
Back to experimenting :)
You could solo the superior kick and route it to an audio track in your DAW, once you have the WAV file process it to taste
Heya man, find out what kick it is and if you doing it in MIDI, send me the kick MIDI track and ill trigger it through SSD for you if you want? Ill make a dry take, a NRG and a S room take for you ;p

Whoa, is that legal? Not trying to call you out, just curious.
Heya man, find out what kick it is and if you doing it in MIDI, send me the kick MIDI track and ill trigger it through SSD for you if you want? Ill make a dry take, a NRG and a S room take for you ;p

I don't mean to start any problems but yeah I would say it is illegal, just because when you send the track back to him, he can pretty much just cut up the samples and use it as a gog file while other guys like me actually paid for those samples. If you wanna give out samples like that, that's on you, but it might be a good idea to not make it public like this.

I wouldn't be making a profit off of it, so how can it be illegal, thats like saying the examples people put up of there samples is a free download. Fuck it, im trying to help the guy out, got no feedback from him, so lets just drop it then!

The samples people put up for free are their own work, samples they recorded themselves and decided to give away for free...Steven slate samples are not free for a reason.

I said before that im not trying to start any problems so I really hope you didn't take it the wrong way :)
Not to worry guys I own Slate drums I've just been having problems getting them back.
Currently working with their support staff.