DT album update, Explorer's Club 2 update

Seventh Son

Zero Salvation
Apr 16, 2001
Sydney, Australia
Mike Portnoy recently released the following information:

* Six songs have been recorded for the new Dream Theater studio album.
* Not all of the recorded material will fit on one CD.
* No lyrics were written yet when the band finished recording. The lyrics will be written during the current break. Once again, most of the lyrics will be written by Mike Portnoy and John Petrucci, with a possible lyric by John Myung and James LaBrie.
* John Petrucci and Mike Portnoy will have to write their lyrics while on the road with G3. Literally the day after the G3 tour ends, the band will be going back into the studio for three weeks to record the vocals and do some more overdubs and touch ups.
* When asked for what direction the new album will be going into, Mike Portnoy said he hates to give descriptions and pigeon-hole things. But if he had to loosely describe the direction, it would be a cross between "Awake" and Liquid Tension Experiment.
* Mike also mentioned that two of the tracks are more experimental, but he did not elaborate in what ways.
* A European TransAtlantic tour is being planned for November 2001.
* There will not be any "Home for the Holidays" shows this year. The band will be taking a break, so they can spend some time with their families.
* The new Dream Theater album is scheduled for January 2002, with a tour starting in Europe in January or February.
* There is no chance "When Dream And Day Unite" will ever get properly remixed, since the master tapes are owned by another label. Also, the overall interest would not warrant the money spent on this remix (only die-hard fans would be interested).
* Mike Portnoy is planning to release official bootlegs with demos from "Awake" and "Falling Into Infinity", so-called "Making of" CD's, full live concerts and tour highlights (like the 2000 Fan Club CD). There is also a possibility that the Majesty demos will get properly remixed for an official bootleg.

Explorer's Club 2:
According to www.ShadowGallery.com the rythum section for the upcoming Explorer's Club 2 is:

Drums - Terry Bozzio
Bass - John Myung (Dream Theater)
Guitar - Gary Wehrkamp (Shadow Gallery)

Awesome rythum section!!!
Six songs and not all of them will fit on one cd???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OH. MY. GOD. I know DT do long songs but thats ridiculous :lol: Thats about 13 minutes each song!
How very prog :)
Cant wait to see what they come up with, i doubt they can top metropolis part 2 though, but ill be happy to be proved wrong!