DT and Yes Tour

That would be like watching everything in slow motion, all the headbanging would be out of sync and very distracting.
Yeah man... ordered it a fortnight ago, they told me it wouldn't ship for three weeks. Get home yesterday and it's sitting on my table! :rock:

It's really damn good. A couple of parts are a bit distracting (like rolls being different on the cd from what he is shown playing, he punched the rolls in later). Haven't listened to the commentary yet, but I'm sure it'll be filled with the usual Portnoy stuff.

I've got a region free player and haven't had any problems with it!
spawn said:
Why not just stick the cd on and put some DT action figures on the bench then? :)
Iron Maiden do run around a little, but the songs sound exactly the same as they do on the albums.

Atleast Dream Theater mix it up a little. They slow things down, speed things up, put in totally different arrangements, add extended solos, play sections of other songs in the middle of their songs.

Action figures cant do that!

And another thing... Shutup. As if it wouldnt be fuckin hella cool to see Portnoy bashing the fuck outta his drums in real life!
Spruce Goose said:
And another thing... Shutup. As if it wouldnt be fuckin hella cool to see Portnoy bashing the fuck outta his drums in real life!
Dont ask the question if you dont want the answer! I wouldnt pay to watch them stand there and noodle on their instruments!
Sprucey, seriously, Metallica absolutely SLAUGHTER DT when it comes to putting on a live show. That you even asked that question is astounding, they werent stationary, James sang in three different microphones, Robert was all over the place and Kirk moved around a bit too.
I disagree 200%

Ok, they may have moved around a little.... But seriously gives a fuck? Are you saying that you enjoyed the Metallica show BECAUSE they walked a little on stage? I liked it because the songs sounded good.

DT slaughter Metallica in terms of musicianship and precision, as well as mixing up the setlists and the songs themselves. I seriously dont get how you can say that a show was awesome because they walked a few steps?

DT have awesome video screens and shit as well which lets you see each band member up close so you can see exactly how freakish they are.

We are gunna have to disagree on this one Spawn.
Umm ill tell you why it was so awesome, they played Master Of Puppets, Blackened, Sanitarium and a shitload of other CLASSIC songs, AND they ran around enjoying it and didnt concentrate on their instruments the whole show.

DT are not a live band, yes they can PLAY live, but if you put 1000 people in a concert hall who had never heard them, most of the people would fall asleep, whereas if you put Metallica in front of 1000 people, they have 1000 new fans.
Or you put Metallica in a concert hall with 1000 old fans and have them play new material, there ya go, 1000 fans lost

(I like the new material, just proving a point)

And if you want to drag playing Master of Puppets into it... DT covered the entire fucking album live! And it sounded better then I've ever heard Metallica play it. Keyboards and all! :kickass:
Dont you see the irony in going on about how great they were when they covered Master Of Puppets? Now imagine METALLICA walking on stage and doing the whole album. Theres no way Dream Theater do it better.

Obviously there is no arguing with prog fans when it comes to this. Any sane and rational person will understand what I am saying. I will not pay to watch them stand around and play note perfect renditions of the songs on their cd. To me that is pointless. Some people would enjoy standing there going "He pulled off the sweep picking part EXACTLY like it is on the cd, he is amazing" and have a good night.

For me, if im paying, I want to see a SHOW, I want to see Kiss, or Metallica, or Slayer, bands who give it everything and put on an intense live show, Dream Theater would bore me to tears, especially as they often do close to 3 hour shows.
I still think we are more likely to see Dream Theater tour here in the next 5 years than Maiden. :(
The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse are more likely to do a world tour before Maiden tour here :(
spawn said:
I will not pay to watch them stand around and play note perfect renditions of the songs on their cd. To me that is pointless. Some people would enjoy standing there going "He pulled off the sweep picking part EXACTLY like it is on the cd, he is amazing" and have a good night.
Actually, Spruce's arguement is that they mix things up alot more than most bands, not that they play it note for note...
Blitzkrieg said:
Actually, Spruce's arguement is that they mix things up alot more than most bands, not that they play it note for note...
In jam parts or medleys, but if Petrucci missed 4 notes in a solo for song, all the prog fans would go "OMG HE SCREWED UP!"

They dont mix things up that much, its just that their songs are so incredibly long they have to jam two or three together in parts otherwise they would never get more than 8 or so songs in a set.
spawn said:
In jam parts or medleys, but if Petrucci missed 4 notes in a solo for song, all the prog fans would go "OMG HE SCREWED UP!"
No they wouldn't. If Petrucci screwed up live; all the prog fans would swear he meant it, rejoice, call him god and it call it prog.