DT demo and advance tracks for EP tape?


Ashes Against the Grain
Nov 10, 2007
I guess this question can only be answered by Niklas :worship:

I have a tape with DT "Trail of Life Decayed" demo, which I'm completely sure is original (double sided inlay on glossy paper with lyrics on the back). The interesting thing is that the tape has stickers on both sides which look like this:


Indeed, side A contains 4 songs from the demo. The thing that interests me the most is side B. It contains 4 tracks, 2 of which are the tracks that appear on A Moonclad Reflection 7" and 2 others are first two tracks from Merciless album The Awakening.

The question is if this tape was made by the band between demo and 7" release and indeed side B contains tracks that were not yet released at a time. I thought about the other option - previous owner just overwriting side B of original tape, but then why would he write "Adv. 7" ep ..."?

Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.
Let's see here…I think we made 700 pro duplicated copies of the "Trail…" demo, which were printed on white cassettes. After they had sold out, we were still getting orders in the mail (this was back in the day where flyers would circulate for years in regular letters sent around by tape traders) from people who didn't know that it wasn't available anymore.

Since we just had recorded the "..Moonclad.." EP it didn't make much sense to make an additional demo pressing just to cover the orders that kept pouring in, so we simply printed some more sleeves and then recorded the demo + additional goodies such as the upcoming EP and songs from other good bands on regular tapes.

So - this is one of those tapes. I'm pretty sure it's mr. Henrikssons handwriting, so the original owner most likely got it from him.

This is btw how In flames got their first record deal - I sent Wrong again records a cassette with our upcoming "Skydancer" album and recorded some other local bands on side B, for them to check out.
Thank you very much for such a detailed information Niklas! I guess this explains all the black and transparent tapes floating around (ones with proper double sided inserts).
This is btw how In flames got their first record deal - I sent Wrong again records a cassette with our upcoming "Skydancer" album and recorded some other local bands on side B, for them to check out.

That is, the fact that I don't think many people know about. According to Wikipedia: "The trio recorded a three song demo and sent it to Wrong Again Records.", which, as it turns out, not exactly how it happened :)
Let's see here…I think we made 700 pro duplicated copies of the "Trail…" demo, which were printed on white cassettes. After they had sold out, we were still getting orders in the mail (this was back in the day where flyers would circulate for years in regular letters sent around by tape traders) from people who didn't know that it wasn't available anymore.

Since we just had recorded the "..Moonclad.." EP it didn't make much sense to make an additional demo pressing just to cover the orders that kept pouring in, so we simply printed some more sleeves and then recorded the demo + additional goodies such as the upcoming EP and songs from other good bands on regular tapes.

So - this is one of those tapes. I'm pretty sure it's mr. Henrikssons handwriting, so the original owner most likely got it from him.

This is btw how In flames got their first record deal - I sent Wrong again records a cassette with our upcoming "Skydancer" album and recorded some other local bands on side B, for them to check out.

Interesting, thanks! So all of In Flames' fame is due to Mr Caotico? ;) Hahaha.

Looks lie you got a real winner mighty_amorphis! It even has Mr Henriksson's handwriting! Very nice!

I guess we should correct the info. on wikipedia hehe.
Awesome story Niklas. haha sure this would be nice to be posted on 1000 things about DT!
@TheAntidote3 I see a lot more lucky to have the black cassette, with Henriksson's handwriting, but thats only me, a hopeless fangirl :p
Awesome story Niklas. haha sure this would be nice to be posted on 1000 things about DT!
@TheAntidote3 I see a lot more lucky to have the black cassette, with Henriksson's handwriting, but thats only me, a hopeless fangirl :p

Hmm... maybe so. i just think it's cool that i have one of the original pressings. it all depends on preference i guess. it's kind of funny because i wasnt even a year old when that tape came out!