Regarding the Agalloch Demo tape


Oct 10, 2001
Edit: Fuck, I meant to post this in another forum.

I recently aquired the From which of this oak tape on eBay, but the tape doesn't look like it is an original copy. It is a Sony HF 60 minute cassette with "Agalloch Master" written on one side of it. Could anyone confirm if I've been ripped off or not? The picture in the auction did not have this I'm filing a complaint.
Don't have the camera at home at the moment, but they're transparent cassettes with a grey-ish sticker label with a marble pattern, and AGALLOCH FROM WHICH OF THIS OAK Side A FLD001 © 1997 printed on.
That's horrible! Find that bastard and fucking crush him. All I can say is "phew" because I had a relatively high bid on that tape.
Damn! How much did you pay for that tape?

If people do not specify that their items for sale are 'originals', then are they allowed to get away with selling 'copies'? I'm just wondering how eBay would approach this when you file a complaint.
Oh man, I feel for you Tranquillian. I only hope you didn't spend too much on it. In times like this, it's good to believe in karma - "what goes around, comes around". He'll probably have a car accident this weekend and lose a limb.
I got ripped off for some Sopranos DVDs. I bought them on my credit card through PayPal. I called my cc company and told them I'd been defauded and didn't have to pay the charge.
This was not really outside eBay. I got a second hand offer and only I was allowed to bid for the original sum one more time. Erik found 2 more auctions for the same tape that have already ended. I am now combining my resources with the other buyers to get this scammer off eBay. I've got a tip for you: Never buy from someone with private feedback, because then you can't see if theyve sold the same thing multiple times recently. Second of all, always pay using paypal because then you will get your money back. I paid something like $69 including shipping and bidpay fees.
Just got a reply from the seller. I had complained that it wasnt an original tape and this is her reply: "Hi,

I just noticed that on Accident I send you one of the Promo( that means before Production Master Tapes). I don't know how in the heck this got in the Mail but it was not suppose to be send. I will of course send you a different Original Copy. I am very sorry about this mistake. A new copy will go out to you right away.Would you be able to send the other one back ???
I will keep the tape even if I get an original tape. I'd never spend money on shipping it back unless I get paid to do it. I don't expect to see that original copy either.