DT Fanpage in German and English

*g* Recently I really consider going to an eye doctor! Thanks a lot, G, I'll add it now and hopefully get the graphics today to make an update. Would be time for one...

@DIM: Maybe I should explain my nickname here and now, some poeople could think I'm a racist or something (I'm NOT, in fact I'm some kind of liberal left, but politically in the middle...). Schwedentod is Swedendeath in english and an expression, many german Metal-journalists use if they don't want to write the words "Schwedischer Death Metal" (= swedish death metal - but I think all of you got this one, right?!?) all the time. Sometimes it's even "Elchtod"... Elch is this animal (deer)...

And hopefully not everyone here sees me as a n00b... *lol*
Sorry for the delay, UM crashed yesterday while I was browsing this forum and I didn't get to see this thread until just a moment ago. Luckily Gtranquillity was there for your help, and the dates seem to be all correct now. I'll also check for the OCaEN release date as soon as I have some more time, although I'm not sure if I have the exact day anywhere, but at least I should have the month.
