DT Fanpage in German and English

First of all sorry to post the 2nd new Thread within 10 minutes...

I wanted to tell you that I did a dark tranquillity fanpage in German and English language. I am especially proud of the biography, maybe some of you will have a look? PLEASE!!! I'm really excited of every Visitor!

You'll find the page at http://www.dark-tranquillity.de

There are also infos about some other bands (IF, Arch Enemy, Amon Amarth, CoB, Soilwork) and some more stuff, so please tell me what you think of it! And if you find mistakes of any nature... tell me please!!!

I'm exited what you think of my work!
Erstmal danke für das Lob! Von Septic Broiler wusste ich nicht genug, um genaues schreiben zu können, das hat sich aber schlagartig geändert, als mich vor eineinhalb Wochen die "A Moonclad Reflection" erreicht hab... Hab bei eBay 40 Euro dafür ausgegeben, aber die war's wert... *g* Werd in der Biografie also demnächst zu den ersten Jahren einiges hinzufügen, was ich da auf dem Beiblatt der EP gefunden hab. War selbst mir neu... Wusste halt nur das, was da steht, und dass es noch dieses oninöse Septic Broiler Demo gibt...

Die Links werd ich wohl auch noch ändern, da ich aber alles per Hand gemacht hab (ohne HTML-Programm), ist das immer jede Menge Arbeit, allerdings behält man auch die volle Kontrolle über das, was passiert...

Mit den Frames muss ich mir was überlegen, mal sehen, aber ich arbeite dran.

Sag' doch mal Bescheid, wenn Du vielleicht mal in Trier bist, dann können wir uns mal treffen... Gehr vielleicht am 23. oder 24. April ins Exhaus zu Dew Scented und so, wär das ne Idee?!? Fest eingeplant ist allerdings nur Finntroll, eventuell in Münster-Breitefeld, vielleicht aber auch in Essen... mal sehen!

Beste Grüße... Daniel
Ja, ich kenne Stylesheets... Studiere Wirtschaftsinformatik, aber an der FH... Bin allerdings noch im Grundstudium, und da ich mich vorher nie mit HTML auseinandergesetzt hab und bisher im Studium auch nicht musste, war die SEite das erste größere Projekt, da musste ich erstmal wissen, wie ich das alles am besten machen sollte. Mein Semester (das 4.) geht im Übrigen morgen wieder los, wird aber sehr lau (2 Klausuren).
Your main page looks very attractive...the only thing I find that you used the words "this page" a little too much for the introduction under "ENGLISH". But I like the site...great effort and it loads fast too...that's a big plus...I hate sites with too much graphics that take forever to load. I will go through the site better sometime in the future cause I am limited on internet time...and my opinion is based on first impression.
Keep up the good work!

OK, thanks so far for these nice words!!! Not many people send E-Mail to me although I want them to, just to get an impression of what these guys think... But here, I at least get some feedback!

@ metal17: I'll try to avoid "this page" in the future and in some days I'll work out an update of the page, so I'll put some "this page"'s out of the introduction, OK? *lol*

@ all the others: Please have a look and tell me what you think! Especially rahvin and Villain, you two seem to have the best knowledge of DT... Just want to know if it's worth working on. (it would be worth if you and some more people outside this forum like it!)
i'll look into it as soon as i have some more time. the things i've seen so far were rather accurate, and your biography page is certainly much more informative than the one on the official site. however, villain is the man with the perfect knowledge of all dt trivia. i'm mostly a lyrics/interpretation caretaker, and under this respect alone i might come in handy for your page in the future. :)
OK, thanks... ;)
Especially thanks for the positive reaction on the biography... as I already told on the page, this is the main part of the page, my intention to to the whiole project. I'll add some facts about the first years soon as I just got an original "A Moonclad Reflection" LP and "Tranquillity" Cassette. Especially the page included in the 7" LP offers many facts...
Okay, I glanced through the biography-section on your site some days ago and it looked to be quite alright - no major errors jumped on me at any point. But as Malaclypse/VultureCulture probably (my German is a bit rusty) suggested, you should include the Septic Broiler -demo Enfeebled Earth in there. Also, note that DT was called Septic Broiler still in 1990, the name Dark Tranquillity wasn't taken until some time in late 1990 or early 1991, if I recall it correctly.

Thanks a lot, Villain! Your German seems to be good enough, Septic Broiler is still missing... As already mentioned in my previous post, I didn't know enough of that time to be completely sure, so it wasn't included in the biography, but I'll work on this soon, as well as I'll give the diskography section a complete new layout/ navigation...

Does anyone know another e-mail adress than niklas@darktranquillity.com (the official one) of Niklas, I was in contact with him and some months ago, I couldn't reach this adress any more, all mails returned... Some program called "spamcop" or so didn't let me send any mail to him...
Schwedentod said:
Does anyone know another e-mail adress than niklas@darktranquillity.com (the official one) of Niklas, I was in contact with him and some months ago, I couldn't reach this adress any more, all mails returned... Some program called "spamcop" or so didn't let me send any mail to him...
you might have a worm/virus yourself, the address should be working fine.
I've got a question for Villain (or anyone else who knows it, of course). I'm currently working on the diskography section and I'm trying to get a better structure in there. But I noticed, that I don't have the exact release dates of many albums...

So, who nows the exact date of:

"Of Chaos..." (95)
"The Gallery" (95)
"Enter Suicidal Angels" (96)
"The Mind's I" (97)
"World Domination Live" (98)
"Projector" (99)

The other ones sould be correct, but I'm only sure with Haven and Damage Done...

Greets and Thanx!!!
Hi Gtranquillity,

thanks, but you know me already, I'm Daniel and we had contact via E-Mail. And we met in Essen at the Pressure Festival last year. I'll have a look at your page (btw., I often look at it...) and soon there'll be an update of mine. I'll also add the english navigation graphics, if a friend of mine finishes them... I've been waiting really long now.

Sorry for not e-mailing you for such a long time, but I really forgot you... I'm still working on getting the interview (remember?!?) on a CD...

Best Greets... Daniel