DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)


T-369 days
Jan 11, 2002
My kingdom, desolate
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Ok... as I said I would do in the Picture thread, I've started a new thread for 'relationship/lack thereof' conversations. I guess it will be kinda hard to get everyone to shift topic to this thread, but maybe it will happen...

Anyway, I guess I'll start off by citing mine. My girlfriend lives 2 1/2 hours away from me, and as I do not drive, I must take the train to see her. And, as I know virtually no one in my town who I like, and my parents never leave for extended periods of time, there is no practicallity to her travelling to see me. The only problem posed is that I haven't seen her in over a month now, and because one of us is seemingly always away on any given weekend and we both work during the week, its become exceptionally hard to work with...

Ok...enough of my bitching...lets hear some more people...

Well I'm not really a big member of the forum community, but I participated in some thread like the poetry one.

So here's my current relationship: was single for 3 years because I was fucked up with that kind of relationship (my ex-girlfriend did suicide -> hah i don't care talknig about this on the internet as no one knows me anyway)...

And 5 days ago I made myself a new girlfriend.... you can't know how much that means to me! I'm happy as I never were since a bunch of years. And man this is going to last a long time... she's so sweet :)

I guess I will not hear anymore stupid guys saying that I'm gay because I'm relatively cute (ok this look like I love myself, but I mean I am not Tom Cruise, but I'm handsome) and I got no gf for a long time.


I hope not. Asexual means that you're not a male nor a female, nor of any strange sex...

You may just not like sex with any kind of thing except your hand, but that doesn't make you asexual... not straight, not gay, not bi... maybe should we invent the "hand" orientation...

@kovenant84: are you planning getting closer to each other in time? i.e., how serious your relationship is?

@samarkol: i know me saying it is nothing, but i'm very sorry for you because of what happened with your ex-gf... these things i guess leave a few scars on those who remain, and they're not easy to forget/take away. :cry:

as for my position, i shall make no statement until rei shows up and admits we're together. :p :lol:

#¤%*@#!!! :mad:

Dammit I'm annoyed. I'm gonna write it all down just to get it out.

I was seeing this man a couple of yrs ago when I was 18. It lasted only for about a month. We had this supergoth-romance that I never really got into. :erk:

He worshipped the ground under my feet. He called me his goddess. He bought me presents and said I deserved the best. He was gorgeous. :p

He was addicted to heavy drugs and had the habit of forgetting my existence (as everybody else's, too) every once in a while. I got pissed off and left him. I felt humiliated. Big time.

He called me yesterday (note! it's been 2 yrs since I last saw him) and asked me to marry him. I hung up on him. :devil:

I'm really frustrated. This shit's been painful. Honestly, I want the sweet revenge ppl keep talking about!!! :devil:

someone mentioned revenge? may i suggest some consulting of hyena and this your humble dwarf on the matter? a lifelong experience in giving back what's due is one of our biggest merits. :)

Originally posted by rahvin
someone mentioned revenge? may i suggest some consulting of hyena and this your humble dwarf on the matter? a lifelong experience in giving back what's due is one of our biggest merits. :)


Even better. I am looking for a sweet revenge . (Aren't they always sweet?!:confused: )

-Lamia (vengeace, thy name is "oh, joy!" :rolleyes: )
@lamia: we're not sweet at the moment, but i can bring a pot of honey along. ;) we never "worked" in finland, but there's no place we can't reach :p

rahvin. (vengeance thy name is bu)
Originally posted by rahvin
@lamia: we're not sweet at the moment, but i can bring a pot of honey along. ;) we never "worked" in finland, but there's no place we can't reach :p

rahvin. (vengeance thy name is bu)

Well you'll just have to expand your horizons and become the big names in the business also in Finland. :p

Whoopee, it's lunchtime. Gonna get out of this hot office, even if it be just for a while...
