DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

enough of the silliness: let's try *real* silliness.

since this thread is about relationships, i will drop my bu cents into it and make everyone feel lucky ahd happy.

when i was 11 i got my first boyfriend. he dumped me, with rare ability to forecast the course of all future events in my life. there was a girl in my class whom i couldn't really stand because she was very smart and popular, whereas i'm possibly smart but when i was 11 i was not popular. not that now i am, but i've taken some convenient paths in this respect - when preteen you don't win popularity with a career, when you're 24 it is as close as it gets. so this girl was pretending she'd go out with this guy if he dumped me, which he did, but then she told him to get lost - they danced together at class parties all the time and this was horrible because she just did that to get me pissed off, she didn't even _like_ the kid. for the cognoscenti, ie rahvin, this girl was our very own enrica toniolo.

the rest of my preteen years were uneventful. upon entering high school, it grew even more uneventful: all i did was falling for scoutmasters who had twice my age but were not mature enough to realize that making fun of me was not the wisest thing to do, let alone mistreating me so i would stop being attracted to them. silliness runs across generations, professions, and psychological types: the only common trait of idiotic men is that i tend to like them.

i had a brief relationship whe 14 with a guy of admirable lineage: at the time, and until two years ago, i devised silly equations of the type "if your parents are powerful and distinguished of course you have had a very good education and very well thought upbringing - therefore, you're going to be determined, brilliant, and conscious of the way the world works: in turn this allows for a brilliant future". of course this is all wrong, possibly sons of the high and mighty tend to go the opposite way, but i have a fascination with power and until i realized that some traits are not gotten by birthright i kept on going wrong. anyway the guy dumped me.

then i fell for rahvin, and this is such a long and pitiful story that i'll cut it very short. it is sort of a meta(l)existence in the sense that it just went on and on while i was doing other things - the score, repeated for a number of times approaching infinity, is as follows. i ask rahvin if he wants to be my boyfriend (variations: this is preceeded by a discourse about the unworthyness of his current girlfriend, or the unworthyness of looking for people that are not going to make either of us happy, or my general worthyness, which is the less sensible point of course). then rahvin tells me that he's content with our relationship as it is. i get very sad and start blaming the evil fates for the unfairness of life since i did not get what i thought i deserved. then life goes on.

aside from this, i didn't have a boyfriend throughout high school, except for a string of pointless attempt at relationships, botched or not, including the class clown, a smalltime hash dealer, a number of high school professors who were either married, gay or neonazis. in university, around the second year and the bubu-th failed go at rahvin, i went out with a guy for about six months, then (SURPRISE!) i dumped him since i thought our outlook on life diverged much too much and we had no real common goals. [fuck, it's getting late, i'll have to cut short the silliest part]

no partner except for summer silliness until my fourth year. there goes the ugly tragedy that i'd gladly relate if i didn't have to be off in five minutes - basically for the first time i thought i had found the one true bu, i was totally head over heels for this person, and after very short he dumped me with absolutely no known reason. i was wrong in two reaspects by expecting him to live up to my expectations. a) although no evil guy in my opinion, he is very shallow: i over-rated his inner content, and even if he had not dumped me i would not have been happy with a delusional, superficial man. b) expecting serious intentions from a person that attachs no value to concepts such as being dependable, faithful or even bubu was a fault on my part. in short, i didn't read correctly his intellect or his morals, overrating the ensemble and being generally stupid.

it took me two years to realize this. in the meanwhile, i graduated and went to the uk for my master's - here i had another bad failure case with a classmate of mine, a very decent person who is now a close friend and who couldn't even picture being with me because he stated he wants a completely different kind of woman - namely, the frail girl to protect from the world's evils, who in turn cheers him up when he comes home from a long day's work. of course i think i could use being protected from evil and i guess i'm pretty cheerful, but there's many ways to interpret a single concept, you know.

then i came back to italy and had the disastrous mr. ietri experience, related in the dream thread some time ago - i won't go into it again. following that, it was just superficial likings without a direction, therefore there's nothing to tell.

right now i am just hoping that the future will bring something. i'm fairly optimistic, but on second thought when i re-read all of this i should not. :)

Originally posted by Hearse

@Zeanra & Lamia: <--- dont they lood delicous togeter?

Get your mind out of the gutter, they are not doing lesbian porn, but if they will, let me know too, I wanna be there :grin:
Ok, my sentimental life is a graveyard: My first boyfriend (when i was 13) was 5 years elder than me, he has been my longest relationship, and during about 2 years he dumped me for 3 times. Then another one was half-gay and he didn't want a relationship [we wanted a girl (or a boy) today, another one tomorrow...and so on](i'm not joking about this guy).
Another one who was certainly the "best" for his look and his character liked me when i didn't like him much and i "dumped" him though i "dumped him gently"...now that i started to like him really, he's in love with another girl and we're only friends...
:err: Do aliens control my life???

It looks like the mood of this thread is to tell our whole sentimental life :P ok let's go

End of the first year of high school I get my first girlfriend, which was a schoolmate of one of my best friend. The relation was real nice, prolly the second best one. It lasted 7 month, which is not that bad for a 13 years old and a 13 years old girl. However I did broke up like a asshole, I was pissed off because of something (long and unimportant story) and I broke up with her a bit rudely. I was not loving her anymore. That was about the 29 of november.

By total hasard, I met during the christmas holiday a girl which was on vacantion (from Holland, yeah). We knew it wouldn't last long (she was getting back in 10 days). The day before she was supposed to leave Québec my adored city, I met at the cinema my ex-girlfriend while I was still with the Holland girl... I guess she tough (my ex) that I left her for that new girl... I have never seen someone looking that much disturbed that night. But fuck I did not even told her a word... I'm an asshole I know.

One week after that whole story I met the daughter of the friend of my parents. Ok I was 13 and just wanted to have fun, I was not mature. She was real cute I we went out for about 2 week and a half. That girl didn't loved me and just wanted to get fucking laid. Anyway, she broke up january 4. And I learned december 28 that my first girlfriend did kill herself on the 19 of december... the night when I met her at the cinema...

Now follow 3 years of total fucked up mind, heart, and toughts I won't describe. I was afraid of getting a girl to love me, but fuck when you're a teen you NEED that. In my last year of high school, I felt in love (did I really still knew what it meant?) with a girl that was in love with me for a year. That's a bit long for a 16 yo girl. (I learned it after). Anyway, I guess I was deeply in love, but ya know... a girl before 25 doesn't know what she wants. I put my whole confidence, my whole energy into building a long lasting relationship with her, that relationship that I just needed to get out of the nightmare that happened 3 years and 2 month ago. She seemed to be happy with our thing... however after 3 weeks she PHONED me. "I know it might sound strange... but I think that for a year I didn't really loved you... I don't know.... it's like the little kid who wants a toy badly and when he gets it he doesn't want it anymore" I swear she told me THAT. So the little place that I made for her in my heart (the first person to reach that place in years) was just plagued.

But five month of sentimental depression later I met her. (five month after means 6 days ago in a timeline) Her is an absolutely adorable girl, just over comprehensive, deeply in love with me. I was wondering if I was in love with her for a while... but now I just know that I am. Deeply. I don't know how long it will works, but I have great confidence about it this time. She told me that she wanted this thing to last a long time. You know I am feeling strange... I am feeling happy AND confident.

ah, silly life... that was my story

Ah damn here goes mine.

I had my first g/f when I was 15, we both took a summer school class together, she only lived like 1 mile away so that was really cool, we went out for about 8 months, she took my virginity (woo hoo when your 15 these things are very important), and then she basically told me to fuck off and she started going out with this 19 y/o guy, it really didnt hrut me as much as I expected seeing as how I didnt fall in love wit hthis girl.

About 2 months later I was a party, and saw a person that I went to school with when I was 8, we started talking and we started dating for about a month, then she moved to Detroit and I never saw her again.

After that I wasnt in a serioud relationship again until I was 17, but I still managed to date and find people to sleep with( im not sure how I pulled that off).

I met this girl named Caryn, she went to the same high school I did, she was really quiet, which is odd b/c im a outspoken, and loud person at times, so im sure why we were attracted to each other so much, we started dating and we fell in love with each other, we ended up going out for 2 years, we went on abunch of vacations, and I was planning on marrying this person, but we slowly drifted apart, I started using more drugs than I ever did in my entire life and drinking alot(I think I did this b/c I didnt want to deal with depression), and she jsut stopped talking to me, and calling, so we broke up, and it was really hard on me.

Since then Ive had afew people Ive been interested in, and I recently fell in love with this girl im dating now, Marisa, which is an entirely differant story(she cheated on me when we were dating before, and I forgave her, and now things are ok, but im still cautious).

Happy? :p

Wow.....never realized it would be this popular. Ok... a bit more info. This girl is the first girl I have ever gone out with, and vice versa (I'm 18 and so is she). We've been going out since beginning of April, and the first 2 1/2 months were really great, but after that point we sorta lost touch. I've been really, really longing to see her again, but due to long and complicated circumstances, I missed seeing her last weekend even though I was in her town for 3 days. I now await response to an email I sent that essentially tells all I feel for her.
I understand that last part seems weird, but we've never really talked about our relationship. We started going out essentially because we found in each other someone we could finally connect with on an intellectual level (and 'cause I think she's beautiful), and so our conversations were always about 'smart things' rather than love. It's weird I know, but it worked for a while... its just that I want to be close to her now, but I don't really know whats going on.

~Kovenant (keep posting away)
Hi all,
how you doin'?
I am reading all your posts, interesting...it's helping me (not just me, I guess) knowing you all..well, many people I do not barely know, honestly, but ok anyway... it seems "we" all share the same experiences (ehm, we're are all humans probably), eventhough I don't feel maybe as sad/bitter as some of you.
I have nothing intelligent to say now (or never?), just how great is all this.
I'll keep on reading.
Hugs & kisses to everybody
Well....here ends my part of the thread... it may also end my visits here for a while....

Not half an hour ago I got an email from Sue (I don't care if you know her name now), breaking off our relationship, partially for reasons that were grossly misunderstood on both sides, and partially for stupid things some people we know did to try to get us together last weeked, but which she now accuses me of being behind. Mostly though, she cites that 'we could connect, but we are too different personality-wise, and I can't deal with that'. I feel like I've had the crap beaten out of me and I probably look it too. This was the first relationship I had ever been in, and now I'm thrown on the defensive, trying to salvage something that might not have existed in the first place. I've sent another email clarifying everything (I hope) but I pretty much am assuming its over. Its times like these when I can't listen to music. It's too depressing, especially Opeth, and that might drive me to stupid things. So I might take a break for a while.

~Kovenant (The lost and helpless, oh how I feel your pain...)
@Villain: How about calling the guy maybe? :confused: Maybe it's risky cause it could scare him off, but who knows... Just a thought :err:

Well, i'm not gonna talk about my past life, i'm single now and it's not that bad :)
I hadn't read all posts, but after i did i couldn't but just come back (even though it's very late) :cry:

@Samarkol: I'm really sorry for what happened to you, it must have been hell to you, well i know i can't possibly relate to such a thing as i haven't been through it, but it's very sad :( I really hope you're over it now, there's noway you could have known as far as i can tell :( From your posts i thought you were older, so i guess it matured you quite a bit... Well, it's really nice that you are happy now, i really wish you the best, hope it works out :)

@Kovenant: That's sad :( I'm sorry :cry: I don't know if it's any consolation, but more or less the same thing has happened to me, maybe in a bigger extent (i'm not talking about feelings cause i can not possibly know yours and be a judge, and furthermore i don't think feelings can be compared as if they were a bunch of apples). Hang on in there, everything will get better :cry:

Siren ( :cry: )

PS: :waah: being single is nice but who will hug me now? :cry: :p
:wave: :p

@kovenant wow man.....sorry to hear about that, im sorry to hear you might not be around much either, well man I cant relate but I bet your not feelin to good, so best luck to ya man.

Well I will try not too bore any of you with my uneventful and thus nonexistant love life, it could be partially from growing up in a small town, but I've been a rather shy person all my life, so to sum it up I've never been in a relationship. Yep I know Im a stud :grin:. But the lack of intersting people and interesting women for that matter doesnt suprise me, no one that lives here would really been worth it anyway, or perhaps Im just lieing to myself to make myself feel better :p On a brighter note last month I did find someone who is as close to me as it gets, beautiful (opposite of me :lol: ) intelligent, exact same interests, same music, same fricken everything, needless to say Im a bit happier these days because of it, tough part is she lives in Texas (3 states from me), but its not out of the question so after she finishes school well see what happens :) .

F_V (opening up? nah...:p )
@Kovenant84: I am sorry. That is very sad... From what you have written, you loved her very much. Hope everything gets better soon and you feel better.

@Samarkol: My sympathies for the loss of your ex-girlfriend. I have never been in that situation before, but it must have been difficult.
I wish you the best with your new girlfriend.

@Nick, Lamia, hyena, Siren and anyone else who has had a relationship not work out: Sorry your past relationships have not been the greatest. Good luck and best wishes to you all. Hopefully future relationships will be much better.
@F_V: Much luck on your new relationship. :) Long distance relationships can work even if they are difficult. :)
@hyena: you forgot to say that even though your liking me that way was probably slightly nonsensical, your opinions on my girlfriends were totally correct and absolutely sound. :)

@samarkol: at 13 or 14 you cannot possibly be so disturbed by a love relationship as to take your life as a consequence of this alone. she surely had some reasons for feeling bad other than you breaking up with her. maybe you have a hint as to what they might have been, or maybe you don't. i think that should you ever feel tormented by the thought of what she did and why she did it you could perhaps consider asking some questions about her to see what comes out. knowing there were much sadder, totally different motives could be helpful for finding peace again.

@nicktheclayman: to avoid drifting apart i guess it matters a lot that you share some plan or vision with your significant other. and that the basics are settled and shared. that's why i cannot but stress the importance of being careful in the present situation.

@kovenant84: usually the "personality" issue covers something a bit less consistent, aka, "i don't love you anymore". i wish i'm wrong, but either she can explain to you why it's so impossible to get along with different personalities or she's just giving you a stale line. i'm sorry it turned out this way. :cry:

@final_vision: we'll wait for news. ;)
