DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

@Samarkol: Of course it's great to do the stupidities one does at his age :) I just meant that your thinking probably has become a bit more mature, so i guess we don't disagree on anything :)

Well, i also want to add that your breaking up with her could have just pulled the trigger, i think there _had_ to be some deeper psychological problems, imho the break-up alone couldn't make a normal/healthy/whatever person end her life :err:

Well, since you said you can deal with it now, i can't but just tell you how happy i am for this (well, yeah, i know i'm a complete stranger, i guess you know what i mean :)) :)
@Kovenant: It shall come to pass, have faith :) *wants to comfort but doesn't know how so forgive her hilarious result* ;)

Siren (always more melodramatic :grin: )
@Siren: Yeah Rahvin I think made this point, it might be true or not, but I think I still influenced the choice. Whether it was the final shock or just a part of the whole thing (if there is such whole thing), being totally or partially responsible for the death of a children is still a strange feeling...

And you know, sometimes it is a way better when strangers tell you such things. I know my friends wouldn't say something that could discourage me or even deny anything I say of that because they just want me to be happy with it, but usually, complete strangers are more entitled to their opinion and they are capable of telling it. Like the other one told me that he didn't believe what I said. If one of my friend was thinking like Hyena was (well I don't get along very well with that kind of person... hehe) he wouldn't have said it. But the statue of strangers gives him the right to say it.

Anyway, thanks again I liked what you wrote.

Uhm...maybe I'll open my mouth also...
Hell, I've dated this girl few months now and finally had a little talk about all this yesterday. She doesn't want anything seriously, I would, but she wouldn't. All she want is to be "free" and see me few times a week, hang out and have sex and then again go. Well at first this was like every mans dream, but then I kind of lost it and got a bit too seriously about everything. This fking sucks, that she can go everywhere and do "anything" and always come back to me, well, I'm a goodlooking guy :) so I could easily do the same, but that is just not what I want. If I'd be wise, I'd say that I wont meet this girl again, but she has amazing personality and I really like him. Yesterday I said to him that I dont think I can do this anymore, but now she called me today and I kind of slipped again. I dunno what should I do :cry: :confused:
Ah my friend, fuck buddies lose their charm really fast, its usually b/c one of the people starts wanting more than just sex, my advice is to stop seeing this girl, obviously you have alot of feelings towards her, and you want more than sex, also she could be sleeping with more than jsut you, and that puts you at risk for alot of STD's. So if I was you I would stop with the casual sex, and tell her you want more.

I already told him yesterday that I wan't more, but she doesn't, she feels oppression (dunno if this is the right way to say it) or controlled or something...Only good thing is, that we both did go and tested about the diseases and both came out negative. And if she sleeps with someone else, she'll use protection, but still, your right, I can never know...

Fuck these emotions, this is actually my first "releationship" since I broke up with my ex-fiancee almost a year a go. We lived together and were engage and then everything went wrong...Somehow I pulled myself together and we remain friends and still see each other sometimes and chat about our recent stuff...
@Samarkol: You're welcome :)

@M.Lehto: Even though i'm no expert in this, i will agree with Nick, either tell her and be honest about it or stop seeing her, in any case don't do something you don't really want :err:
Well its nice to know that I'm not the only person in the world with depressing relationship stories.
I've only really had 2 serious girlfriends. The first broke up with me over the PHONE (ugh) after I moved to another state.

The second was a long distance relationship that was going great. I would visit in summer and winter and got along perfect with her family etc.
Then one summer as I called to confirm my coming she asked me not to come because she cheated on me.

It's funny how alot of people in general assume that its the guys that can't hold on to a relationship. They're always accused of being the ones that are afraid of commitment, yet her sending me drawings she made of us grown up and with kids only made me smile. And I turned down a good share of offers from girls wanting to date, only to be tossed aside that summer by someone she met at a dance club.

C'est la vie. I'm 24 now and been single for 5 years. Of course I thought my luck was going to change recently as a met a great girl and we get along great. Yet apparantly she blocked out her feelings because I didn't go out with her when I first met her last year. So now as I slowly start falling in love with her she's still keeping her feelings tucked away somewhere. In a way its kind of funny because part of the reason I didn't immediately fall in love with her was because she was my ex-bandmate's ex-girlfriend. So it discouraged me from hanging out with her and getting to know her. Yet now that he's been in the army for a couple of years (he told me to get to know her), I finally get to know her and fall for her, and now she blocks her feelings and is "confused" etc etc.

Quite a depressing life eh?
I feel shit today, reason is trivial but it just made me feel shit all day, life can sure be a bitch some times :mad:

Siren (no i won't :cry: :p)
Charlie E.
Life sure has ways to kick you down...

Or other way to put it:

Life sucks and then you die...
thorry to meth around....but ath alwayth thaid in my family....if life thtinkth....why not putting there a deodorant???

jutht thome thtupid thoughth
