DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

Originally posted by Wanderingblade
Get a needle, put it full of oxygen, go to his house, inject it into his veins.

"... A tragic accident caused by a backslide into his drug habit..."

That'll teach the fucker.

...and how exactly is this done without the victim noticing?! :p

-Lamia (off to have lunch now)

This is for sure way off this particular topic, but anyway:

Lamia: The habit of "entangling" oneself with people (girlfriends, boyfriends, relatives, etc.) by apparent worship and then forgetting them for good is more a sign of a troubled mind than of evil desire to humiliate or abuse anyone. Your description of his other habits suits this thought also (not saying that the drug-use would cause such behaviour - more that both are mere symptoms of a tortured soul).

You know the case better than I, but reading what you wrote made me think his call to you was more a call for help than a real proposal for anything.

I just yesterday received an "unindentified" phone-call myself, and although this young guy who called was apparently on drugs, I recognized him still. He didn't say anything peculiar and had no cause to call me (we had not seen each other for months after I finished working as his tutor on a school he went). My guess is that he just felt he had to talk with someone and picked my number on random. Had I been female, I wouldn't have been surprised, if he had proposed a marriage or something. However, as he didn't come up with anything to say (= anything to express "I feel bad, help me") he just hang up. I hope he calls me again some time, so I can see if I can help him - but I doubt he will have the courage for that for a long while.

Human minds are just so weak sometimes.

I got to quit now, my time on this library-computer is up. But I'll get back on this later.

Originally posted by rahvin
(vengeance thy name is bu)

i hate you :mad: i wanted to be the one who posted that! :lol:

hyena (almost out of the revenge business, get the last tickets before the show goes off-bubu)
Villain: I know you've got a point. And as I read my original post over again, I realized it must've sounded like it fit into your description. Yet knowing the person, it is hard for me to believe he being weak. A troubled mind for sure, yes, but IMHO nothing I could cure. Weak, absolutely not.

Anyway, your post did make me think. After all, it has been two years now. And people are supposed to change, aren't they? What he did to me was real mean. Not just unpleasant or humiliating, but real, real mean. It feels as if it was impossible for me to ever forgive him. Damn, a thought of him makes me feel betrayed and angry.

But your post makes me feel somewhat guilty. What if he really wants to find the wonderful side of him again?

This may very well be the stupidest thing to do, but I think I'm gonna call him. Not to forgive him, not to throw myself into his arms, no way! But to ask if there was something specific he wanted to talk about.

...or if I chicken out, I can always just ask for my vinyls back. :p

and hyena: please put those tickets on hold for me... I'll let you know if I wanna "cash" them. :lol:

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

That depends, if you are as cute as Hearse thinks, then it will be cheap :grin:

I think Hearsie (had to do that!! :lol: ) has exaggerated a bit... I strongly suspect my eyes dazzled simply because of the booze. :rolleyes:

Did you hear, Hearse? We love you
