DT Live Mpegs?


This is Not an Exit
Oct 19, 2001
I just got around to downloading the Punish my Heaven clip, which kicks ass besides the fact its rediculously small and in real crap format. Anyone know a place with any live DT mpegs? Much thanks for suggestions!
I once knew a guy that had a 300mb mpg of the world domination videos...i regret that i never downloaded im still looking for that one today...ironically in the 2 years ive been looking for the video i could already have saved the money to actually buy it...shame on me:cry:
There is a live video of "Wonders at your Feet" and "Rundown" found here... http://gentlestorm.vila.bol.com.br/videos.htm. Okay, the quality isn't that great, but better than nothing.

I own the Japanese release of Haven, which contains "ThereIn" MPEG video. It is about 60.8MB and if anyone wants to host it, I'll be happy to upload it when I have the chance.
Originally posted by Arch
There is a live video of "Wonders at your Feet" and "Rundown" found here... http://gentlestorm.vila.bol.com.br/videos.htm. Okay, the quality isn't that great, but better than nothing.

I own the Japanese release of Haven, which contains "ThereIn" MPEG video. It is about 60.8MB and if anyone wants to host it, I'll be happy to upload it when I have the chance.

It is not the Japanese version - it is the European version. The Jap. ver. has "Cornered" as a bonus-track and no video.

And I couldn't get those live-videos, either.



  • havenjpn.jpg
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Oh, it appears that the Japanese got both the bonus-track AND the video. :eek: Is there anything that they DON'T get? For a moment I thought that we Europeans were not SO MUCH lesser people that we might actually have something (=the video) that they don't have... :cry:

And those videos are in the damn realgayer-format. :(

@Villian: I have the haven digipak and it includes the therein video but its not listened in the track listing....or anywhere in the cd...whats the deal with my version? standart american digipak?
Wow... such an old thread.

If anyone's interested, I have the following DT "digital" (live) videos:
- Hedon (promo vid) (MPEG, 54 MB)
- Live In Istanbul (Realvideo = crap, 13,1 MB)
- Monochromatic Stains (promo vid) (MPEG, 36,5 MB)
- Punish My Heaven (live) (Realvideo = crap, 7,78 MB)
- Rundown (live) (Realvideo = crap, 2,44 MB)
- The Treason Wall (live, teaser for "Live Damage" DVD) (WMV, 14 MB)
- The Wonders At Your Feet (live in Italy 2000) (MPEG, 27,5 MB)
- World Domination tour (live Germany, Dec. 1997, 7 songs) (MPG, 317 MB)
- Zodijackyl Light (promo vid) (AVI, 41 MB)
- Haven (anime fan video) (AVI, 53,8 MB)

I'm online regularly with the Ultimate Metal DC(++) hub and the "Sweden Metal Maniacs" hub, these videos are easy to find there.
Thanks, MadTinus. I will check those out soon.
BTW, I have DT live in Göteborg in 2001 if you want it. I'm in the UM hub at paladin.sublevels.net once-in-a-while.
I'm very interested in this:

MadTinus said:
- Haven (anime fan video) (AVI, 53,8 MB)
Which anime is it from?

I'm using a decade-old computer behind a modem-connection right now, so I guess there's no way for me to get it for a while, but would it be any way possible for you to make it downloadable somewhere, so that I could just ask some of my friends to do the dirty work for me? Please? o_O
