DT online stream

uff.. I'm having trouble editing the file.. it was broadcasted in a silly (and I guess obsolete) ASF format so i'm having a hard time converting it into some other better format (avi for instance).. -.-

Just upload as is - I can set up an additional FTP for you (I've got semi-unlimited bandwidth).
Personally I think Kov's question about the 20th anniversary

Um, ok. What was the second question they attributed to me, exactly? I only sent in 3. One was the one about Niklas writing again, one was about Stanne's voice, and the last was about InsignifiCunt.

So, I like that I asked a fourth, very interesting question, but I'm confused as to when I sent it. :D

Oh darn. I hope it winds up ok. I wanted to watch both of my questions again... basically the only parts I missed.


EDIT: And I think part of the reason he called me a bastard is that I come over here and basically post what I think all of his lyrics to the new album are, and then phrase all my questions that I sent in like "It's rumored that on the new album...". :heh:
I think I did - I'll have to doublecheck, but I'm pretty sure I put my little tag (~kov.) at the end of the email. That or I did something silly like "Firstname 'Kovenant84' Lastname" as my name on the email.

[I have no fear of people knowing my full name. I just don't want people googling me and seeing how much I sucked at track in high school. Or thinking that I'm a male porn star (I'm pretty sure I share a name with one).]

Well, as I said, I think it's a running joke with them.

Anyone have a way to (from work) grab the new video? (Focus Shift, I mean). I want to run around with it on my iPod on my way home. Otherwise, I'll just wait till I'm home and rip it.

Nt3N thank you a thousand times for ripping the interview! My girlfriend made a sudden house call just after the 'The New Build' and after that it was only Opeth and Damnation lol. I totally missed the whole interview and I even had all the beer and chips with me :P

If you have any uploading issues then just make a torrent out of it and we will give a big helping hand! Again thank you and I will definitely buy you a few beers if we meet in some festivals!
this thing is going to take long as the only application that is able to convert it to avi/mpeg can't compress audio streams so I have to save and compress the wav file separately and dub it.. it'll take time.. and I have a right to sleep, according to the italian constitutional act. therefore, you guys will probably get the rip tomorrow. sorry.