DT Tattoos


Enter Suicidal Angels
Jun 7, 2008
East Devon, England
So I've always liked the idea of tattoos, and being a band that mean a huge amount to me, I've always liked the idea of a DT tattoo.

I know there's the page on the website, but do you guys have any ideas for DT themed tats?

Also, would you be interested in designing any for fans Niklas?

I will have to hold back a couple of years until I get my tattoos, for a start I can't get any by law for another 6 months or so, and also depending on what job I get they wouldn't be allowed, so I'll have to see how stuff pans out after school.

Thanks guys,

Dan. :)
thanks man - they helped a fair bit

i just applied to the air force see

and they dont like obvious tattoos see - nor do the security service, and I might apply to them in a few years time - so it will be a small wait I suppose

I know I dont want lyrics, but a symbol, or combined symbols, i did think something like the combined Enter suicidal angels symbol, with the haven dots. i dont know, maybe even just the haven dots - we will see

just wondered if anyone had any thoughts

and again - if niklas would be so kind as to agree to design a tattoo properly at some point for anyone? :)
Ok Niklas, thanks very much for the response, I appreciate how busy you are, and that sounds like good advice on your part.

I know Mikael (Stanne) has designed at least one fan tattoo as it is on the site as Mikael Stanne Design - does he have more time than you to do such a thing, or was that a one off for the fan who got it?

Can I also ask how it makes you feel when you realise people want to stick things you've created (the band's music, or your personal artwork), on their skin for the rest of their lives, it just must be something quite odd that none of us have any idea of?

Thanks again,

Dan :)
Can I also ask how it makes you feel when you realise people want to stick things you've created (the band's music, or your personal artwork), on their skin for the rest of their lives, it just must be something quite odd that none of us have any idea of?

Thanks again,

Dan :)

Skin is nothing. But how should they feel having their music INSIDE MY HEAD for the rest of my life, HUH? This is really brutal of them. :p
Also thanks to Niklas, because this means I won't waste his time emailing him for this very purpose. Now, I need to find a good artist. :p.

Just to point something out, that I'm sure has been said before: don't compromise when it comes to tattoos. Be entirely happy with what you get, or don't get it. They aren't as uberpermanent as they are made out to be, but removing them is a bitch.

Sorry, it just came out like that. I cannot help you, either. You can be sure though, that if it is a Dark Tranquillity symbol, someone here will know it.
anyone there who can check what rahvin said? i searched for some pics of the back of TMI today but couldn't find any of the limited edition.
[Negation] can't seem to post anymore, but he's wondering if anyone can link him to an image of the DT circle logo that was used as an animated backdrop on the new DVD. (Or at least, during ThereIn.) Thanks. :)
Hmm...I'm pretty sure that this isn't anything we've ever used as a symbol. I guess it's not entirely impossible that it has appeared as a background for an old t-shirt or something, or in some magazine ad, but I probably would have remembered it in that case. And it doesn't really look like something we'd use either (a bit too tribal-ish).
Hmm...I'm pretty sure that this isn't anything we've ever used as a symbol. I guess it's not entirely impossible that it has appeared as a background for an old t-shirt or something, or in some magazine ad, but I probably would have remembered it in that case. And it doesn't really look like something we'd use either (a bit too tribal-ish).

thanks alot niklas, i just wondered since it was tagged as DT on google.

btw, cant wait to get my copy of the dvd, hopefully it's gonna be there on saturday :headbang:
this is my tattoo.

got it a few years ago, and the guys saw it when they visited Brisbane, Australia, in 2006. was great :)

ill be expanding on it in the near future too.

got the logo from the Live Damages DVD, and the idea of the colours and gradient was my own addition.
the haven and mind's I symbols are perfect for tattoos. They're subtle and tasteful and... cool
I recently, just last week in fact, got a DT-tattoo. Cudos to Niklas for sending me the large-sized image so I could do it! It looks a bit weird in this pic but it was the best I could get for now. Also it wraps round the arm so not everything is visible. It's a work in progress and I will add background and shades etc later on.
