Dude. Give me ideas.


I probably don't like you
Oct 16, 2004
I'm currently playing on a '54 Danelectro (A damn nice guitar, which I've kept in GREAT shape minus two tiny paint scuffs. Now, I love to play lighter shit like the intro to Led Zeppelin's 'over the hills and far away' and intros to Korn's lighter songs, but it's definitely not coming out as what I was soon after hoping it would be for beating the shit out of my amp with Nine Inch Nails and Pantera riffs. So, I've been checkin' out a few good Ibanez guitars (and have admired the reviews on Epiphonies), and I thought that the GAX70 looked like one of the damn sexiest axes I've ever seen. Especially in metallic gray. Then again, I know how to play a guitar, plus I know the anatomy and functions of a guitar through and through. One problem, though, is that I don't have a professional opinion from a professional metalhead guitarist on some of the best metal guitars. Is the GAX70 even as good as the specs show it out to be, and as sexy sounding as it looks?
Opus(sy)2 said:
Haha agreed.

Go for jackson.
Wish I knew bc rich sucks before I got my bronze series warlock..
Not only is the neck not wide enough for hands(I cramp up from having to postion my hand oddly) the pickups and it are crap.. muddy when using the neck pickup.
King Chaos said:
yeah go for Ibanez. Go look on Ebay, youll find something good and cheap there *Speaking form experience*
pawn shops are better, I found my Jackson Ps4 , $125........Ibanez Rg550 ......$150 Rg570.......$95..........We have a epidemic of crack/heroin junkies here in richmond, I love buying there shit though...But i did find a nice peavey mysic on ebay.....$35
Katalepsy said:
BC Rich guitars can fucking rock when equipped with decent pickups... But just the craftsmanship is kind of shitty...But whatever, they do fine for my kind of budget.
My tone knob on my bronze warlock only works like 1/10th of the time, lucky I don't use it, just max it and i'm good.
Besides, it should have decent pickups on it by default, I saw some cheapy gibson or something at guitar center and it sounded much better, not only was I able to just nice distortion out of it(using the amp i have at home) , I could actually get decent pinch hormonics, which is a favorite technique of mine, but I am unable to do it reliablity with my warlock.
about BC Rich: the bronze series really isn't very good......

I have a NJ-series Warlock which I like very much though: sounds good, plays good, looks good,......
I think the "better" BC Riches really are way better than the cheap ones
Ibanez for some reason are not really "my" guitars, but they seem to be pretty good overall (someone with more Ibanez-experience shurely can tell you much more about this)
I love BC rich BDSM pickups more than the EMGs on my RR.

I was playing my friend's limited edition White Plat Pro warlock and was screaming harmonics off them.
Hexer said:
about BC Rich: the bronze series really isn't very good......

I have a NJ-series Warlock which I like very much though: sounds good, plays good, looks good,......
I think the "better" BC Riches really are way better than the cheap ones
Ibanez for some reason are not really "my" guitars, but they seem to be pretty good overall (someone with more Ibanez-experience shurely can tell you much more about this)

Exactly. The Bronze series sucks complete ass (Not quite as much as Squier though), Especially in the craftsmanship and stock pickups. I have a Bronze Warlock, and I just put a Seymour Duncan LW-HMET in the bridge position, and it fucking rocks. Most cheap guitars don't have even halfway decent pickups...Examples: Squier, and really low end Epiphone (just to name a couple). Such guitars almost always sound like shit, even when using a kickass amp...IMO, they're only good for using clean effects like chorus.

As for the thing about Ibanez, they aren't really "my" guitars either, I just don't like the feel, same with low end Jackson models. I'm more of an ESP and BC Rich kind of guy, because the construction of almost all models of both brands is somewhat similar. I compared my warlock with an LTD EX model, and they felt remarkably alike. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that really matters about buying a guitar is the construction quality, and what neck form you're used to playing on, such as narrow and thick (Like BC Rich) or wide and thin (Like Ibanez). Never worry about sound on a stock guitar, it's nothing a pair of über hot pickups, and a decent amp can't fix. :D
Katalepsy said:
Exactly. The Bronze series sucks complete ass (Not quite as much as Squier though), Especially in the craftsmanship and stock pickups. I have a Bronze Warlock, and I just put a Seymour Duncan LW-HMET in the bridge position, and it fucking rocks. Most cheap guitars don't have even halfway decent pickups...Examples: Squier, and really low end Epiphone (just to name a couple). Such guitars almost always sound like shit, even when using a kickass amp...IMO, they're only good for using clean effects like chorus.

As for the thing about Ibanez, they aren't really "my" guitars either, I just don't like the feel, same with low end Jackson models. I'm more of an ESP and BC Rich kind of guy, because the construction of almost all models of both brands is somewhat similar. I compared my warlock with an LTD EX model, and they felt remarkably alike. As far as I'm concerned, the only thing that really matters about buying a guitar is the construction quality, and what neck form you're used to playing on, such as narrow and thick (Like BC Rich) or wide and thin (Like Ibanez). Never worry about sound on a stock guitar, it's nothing a pair of über hot pickups, and a decent amp can't fix. :D
So if I get some decent pickups I can make my guitar scream like zakk wylde
:headbang: :confused:
Katalepsy said:
Where in all of that did you see me say "Equipping your guitar with some decent pickups can make you able to mimic another guitarist's tone"?
Um.. getting some decent pickups makeing them me able to get a better squeal out my guitar?
Katalepsy said:
I dunno how that means you are able to sound like Zakk Wylde...But whatever..
Well ya know zakk wylde's trademark is pinch hormonics right?
Right now it sounds shitty, not sure if it's also just the guitar it's self, doing a little reading a guy says hot pickups help, and I already knew that tons of distortion helps.
Lemy make a seperate thread about this..