Prophet = Pyrus
Charred = Me
Session Start (AIM - CharredSacrifice
rophetoftheVoid): Fri Sep 19 22:54:09 2003
ProphetoftheVoid: due I'm hella drunjk
ProphetoftheVoid: it's aweome
CharredSacrifice: hahaha
CharredSacrifice: you can't type
ProphetoftheVoid: kahula
ProphetoftheVoid: kahlua
ProphetoftheVoid: it urles
CharredSacrifice: hahahaaha
CharredSacrifice: your typing sux
ProphetoftheVoid: tell me about iot
CharredSacrifice: how many fingers am i holding up?
ProphetoftheVoid: your mom
CharredSacrifice: you're wasted man
ProphetoftheVoid: no fuckin SHIT
ProphetoftheVoid: we;re listenign to Burnt Offerings
ProphetoftheVoid: rulz
ProphetoftheVoid: \m/
CharredSacrifice: when you're sober again, i show this conversation to you
ProphetoftheVoid: sweet
ProphetoftheVoid: and you know
ProphetoftheVoid: I wnat more
ProphetoftheVoid: hella more
CharredSacrifice: yeah
CharredSacrifice: go get some more
CharredSacrifice: get pissed
ProphetoftheVoid: I'll ask dima
CharredSacrifice: i recommend white russians
ProphetoftheVoid: we got none.
CharredSacrifice: make ur own
CharredSacrifice: kaluha, vodka, milk
ProphetoftheVoid: nice
ProphetoftheVoid: dude, Jack and Dima are trying to make out
ProphetoftheVoid: badly
CharredSacrifice: hahahaha
ProphetoftheVoid: wait, DIma's just bitign himself
CharredSacrifice: if only you were will, and carried a video camera around at all times
ProphetoftheVoid: FUCK
ProphetoftheVoid: we should have one
ProphetoftheVoid: fucking shit Jack
ProphetoftheVoid: shoudla brough hist
ProphetoftheVoid: ba stard3
CharredSacrifice: hahaha
Session Close (ProphetoftheVoid): Fri Sep 19 23:14:02 2003