dude...I'm drunk

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
I'mdrunk right now. And it rules. JKahula is the shit. My friends JAck and Dima tried dancing to Brainwashed, and then Dima tried to like vampire bite Jacka nd they frell down and broke an execerise machine. And Sean had hella whiskey before he came, so he's just totally wasted. And it's like...shit, everythung's funny. Sean went to get soem water, and JAck says "THat's not water." And I go "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's SEMEN!~!!" and Jack just collapses unable to breathe and fucking loses his shit. And now I'm sobering up a bit, sadly, so I'm gona get some more kahlua. Updates later. ICED EARTH FUCKIGN ROCKS. At least Burnt OFferigns, especially. blech, sobtrierty is lamne, I'll be back with more booze. \m/

Prophet = Pyrus
Charred = Me

Session Start (AIM - CharredSacrifice:prophetoftheVoid): Fri Sep 19 22:54:09 2003
ProphetoftheVoid: due I'm hella drunjk
ProphetoftheVoid: it's aweome
CharredSacrifice: hahaha
CharredSacrifice: you can't type
ProphetoftheVoid: kahula
ProphetoftheVoid: kahlua
ProphetoftheVoid: it urles
CharredSacrifice: hahahaaha
CharredSacrifice: your typing sux
ProphetoftheVoid: tell me about iot
CharredSacrifice: how many fingers am i holding up?
ProphetoftheVoid: your mom
CharredSacrifice: you're wasted man
ProphetoftheVoid: no fuckin SHIT
ProphetoftheVoid: we;re listenign to Burnt Offerings
ProphetoftheVoid: rulz
ProphetoftheVoid: \m/
CharredSacrifice: when you're sober again, i show this conversation to you
ProphetoftheVoid: sweet
ProphetoftheVoid: and you know
ProphetoftheVoid: I wnat more
ProphetoftheVoid: hella more
CharredSacrifice: yeah
CharredSacrifice: go get some more
CharredSacrifice: get pissed
ProphetoftheVoid: I'll ask dima
CharredSacrifice: i recommend white russians
ProphetoftheVoid: we got none.
CharredSacrifice: make ur own
CharredSacrifice: kaluha, vodka, milk
ProphetoftheVoid: nice
ProphetoftheVoid: dude, Jack and Dima are trying to make out
ProphetoftheVoid: badly
CharredSacrifice: hahahaha
ProphetoftheVoid: wait, DIma's just bitign himself
CharredSacrifice: if only you were will, and carried a video camera around at all times
ProphetoftheVoid: FUCK
ProphetoftheVoid: we should have one
ProphetoftheVoid: fucking shit Jack
ProphetoftheVoid: shoudla brough hist
ProphetoftheVoid: ba stard3
CharredSacrifice: hahaha
Session Close (ProphetoftheVoid): Fri Sep 19 23:14:02 2003
Yeah, we're lightweights. For the record, I wasn't trying to make out with dima. it's weird, when I'm drunk I can type better than reuben drunk. Reuben drunk is a sight to behold.
neal said:
how the hell do you get drunk off kahlua?

I have no fucking idea, friend. Jim Beam(black) is all I drink and this coffee brandy shit was never strong enough to satisfy my drunken thirst, a few PBR's or Fosters and then Whiskey, that is how you drink.
Mmmmm Whiskey.
Bah Kaluha. It's worse than baileys. And we all know what that's made of.......(Monkey Semen)

Take note:Real drinks=
Anything 40% proof or above.
Headfucks/Diesil(Cocktails for alcoholics)

Did I miss anything?
neal said:
rum, but i guess that falls under the 40% thang. even though actually most of the liquor i buy is 35%.
Rum is also good.

I got a shot you guys should try, half/half Jagermeister/Barcardi 151.

Try these and tell me what they do to you, I can't remember-Oh, and we call the shot Screaming Nazi's
AjDeath said:
Rum is also good.

I got a shot you guys should try, half/half Jagermeister/Barcardi 151.

Try these and tell me what they do to you, I can't remember-Oh, and we call the shot Screaming Nazi's
Woooo Hoooooo
I've tried that, it's gets the face a turnin' red, blood racing and if you do enough of them, a night in jail hahaha.
I don't drink too much these days because I can't handle the hangover.....
Cracks were it's at
Try this, get a shot of Amaretto, a 3\4 mug of beer

drop the shot glass into the beer and swill it back fast. It taste exactly like Dr. Pepper.Repeat 37 times