Alright, I hear people whining and complaining all the time about selling tickets. I used to play out alot with my old band and depending on the circumstance, I have different views about it:
I think requiring opening bands on a national show to sell tickets is good.
1. Selling tickets is NOT "paying to play", it's an insurance policy for the venue that there will be people there. Usually the "pre-sale" tickets you sell are sold to fans at a discount.
2. The venue isn't going to pick local openers for a national show that cant draw some local fans. why the fuck would they do that!?Thats how venues pick local opener's for national shows in my town, they offer you the slot but require you to sell x amount of tickets.
3. If you cant draw 20 people to a show YOU PROBABLY SHOULDNT BE PLAYING SHOWS (thats like 4 or 5 tickets a person to sell between 4 or 5 band members!) Thats cake guys!
I dont really agree with forcing bands to sell tickets for LOCAL shows. But selling tickets is a great thing from a band's point of view as long as you arent requitred to sell a certain amount.
And the sad reality of it is that, alot of smaller venues dont make enough money, especially on local shows. Think about how many time's your band has played a local metal show to find that all the other bands are a bunch of 40 year old skinhead guys trying to play music that sounds like a really boring version of chimaira and hatebreed (no offense 40 yr old skin heads who like chimaira

) or nowadays instead of that its a bunch of kids trying to play crabcore.
So there ends up being like 40 people max coming to the local show, paying 5 bucks, thats $250. Add some bar money in (I'm being generious with the bar money assuming 30 out of the 40 kids arent some 16 year old scene emocore kids, which you know they will be)= Yay the venue made 300 dollars total!
Now they have to pay for rent, beer, electriity, sound guy, door guy, bartender, security guards, other expenses! Sounds like a great business!
But seriously! I cant tell you how many shows I got on where there was bands like that who brought NOONEEEEEE, It's fucking sad and embarrasing to even be on a show where the only people there are your fans and they dont stick around for the other bands.