Do you guys have any marshall wheels to sell?

Yeah, i just remembered this Kev...

I had that peavey 5150 combo right? that thing must have weight about 50-60 Kg, and a guy put some decent wheels underneath it, all on it's own, no too expensive, and it worked perfectly..

70 Pounds for just 8 wheels is a laugh...
Local hardware store, or check out those Ernie Ball casters - they fit every cab's little wheel-receptacle-hole-gina-thing I've tried to put them in (Rivera, Ampeg, Avatar, and Crate), and they cost like 20 bucks for a kit of 4.
kev said:
Hey guys, just wondering. With all the cabs in your studios coming and going, one of you gits must have some marshall wheels lying around to sell somehwere :D

I have, cose I'v replaced them by larger wheels:headbang:
Just a quick question;

Is there anything special about marshall wheels? or are they just standard casters? Locking or non-locking?

I don't mean to take over your thread, but it doesn't seem too far out of the way :)
blacksheep- said:
Just a quick question;

Is there anything special about marshall wheels? or are they just standard casters? Locking or non-locking?

I don't mean to take over your thread, but it doesn't seem too far out of the way :)

lol, no one gives a rats about that here dude :kickass: