Duke Nukem: Forever

Nah dude, Silverman added voxel support AFTER Duke 3D was released. Shadow Warrior and Blood, for example, sported voxels.

Duke 3D definitely used 2D-Sprites! Have another look. ;)

But yeah, agreeing with your overall take on voxels!

From what i have read, Silverman made the Voxel support during Duke 3D development, but it took too much resources to actually be implemented into the game it self.

Anyways, it wasnt used in Duke, so i guess the point remains valid.
I just hope to see Ken Silverman continue in the world of gaming, because he really is the only one that has been just as innovative as Carmack.
Seriously after 10 years , fuck this game. It still looks like a pile of shit. Matt Hazzard was like the same game but probably actually better , and that game sucked balls
how can you compare Matt Hazzard with Duke? Seriously, wtf?

And DN:F looks pretty good actually, except for the overuse of specularmaps, which you see in almost all modern games now days.
The videos are a bit "meh", but you have to keep in mind that they are from a WIP internal development version.
i will buy this and play it on PRINCIPLE.
anyone who doesn't is a stingy bastard \o/
It would be wonderful if it actually came out. I played DN3D relentlessly back in the day & racked up some hefty long distance bills playing 1 on 1 via modem...
Seriously, what exactly Duke Nukem Forever has besides its name? It´s clear that this game will be generic (to say the least) in terms of gameplay, controls, graphics and every other technical aspect. So it all comes down to the "intellectual property" of the game, which is really weak in my opinion. I mean, the main character is just a super generic dude with lines stolen from Evil Dead 2, the story is almost nonexistent, the enemies are lame (the one that takes a shit is cool, though) and the weapons, besides the shrinking one, are pretty generic too.

Don´t get me wrong, I played the hell out of Duke Nukem 3D and it was amazing at that time, but now I don´t see any reason for the hype. We live on a GTA 4, Mass Effect, Bioshock and Modern Warfare world. The bar was set higher and I don´t think Duke Nukem Forever is trying to even reach it. I would much rather see a new version of MDK.
Sometimes you just want to play as a badass mother fucker with a shotgun.
If the story is about Duke having to kill aliens so that he can buy new implants for his latest chick, it will still kick ass.

Duke Nukem is about kicking ass and chewing bubblegum,(**IRONY AHEAD**) not bitchass politics or fancy schmancy arts like those pretentious games you listed. ;)
.. Btw, would anyone be judged for playing a game where you play as a plumber that has to jump on mushrooms while riding his talking dinosaur dog-horse, just to save his princes named "Toadstool" from the evil demon turtle?
I can't connect with these modern games, they bore me to tears. To me it's just the same regurgitate shit that has been released over and over now, just with updated graphics every year.

I just want a fun game with a larger than life (anti-)hero. More Duke. Simple as that. I don't care for the fucking graphics, I don't care if they go back to two buttons and a D-pad.

Just kicking ass and chewing bubblegum.
There were many FPS about ass kicking like Serious Sam, Painkiller and Left4Dead after Duke 3D, and they all brought something new to the table. Serious Sam had giant enemies and hordes, Painkiller had a berserker mode, Left4Dead implemmented co-op really well... I just don´t see Duke come up with anything besides its name. Am I wrong?

To be honest I´m much more thrilled to the new Duke Nukem Trilogy that is going to be released for PSP. It seems to be a side-scroller shooter. I hope it will be better than Manhattan Project.
There were many FPS about ass kicking like Serious Sam, Painkiller and Left4Dead after Duke 3D, and they all brought something new to the table. Serious Sam had giant enemies and hordes, Painkiller had a berserker mode, Left4Dead implemmented co-op really well... I just don´t see Duke come up with anything besides its name. Am I wrong?

Duke is Duke, its the feeling of the game that makes you want to play it.
And seriously, Painkiller was a breed between Quake and Serious Sam(Nothing new there.), Left4Dead is a ripoff from Zombie Panic!
So i cant see how those games would bring something that DN:F wouldnt.
All DN:F has to deliver is a new game, with the same feeling as DN3D.. i dont need upgradeable weapons or a complex storyline.. just give me a shotgun and some alien to shoot at(And some tits to look at.). ;)
painkiller was fucking seriously good
like overwhelmingly good
i am proud to be among fellow painkiller fans \m/
I can't connect with these modern games, they bore me to tears. To me it's just the same regurgitate shit that has been released over and over now, just with updated graphics every year.

I just want a fun game with a larger than life (anti-)hero. More Duke. Simple as that. I don't care for the fucking graphics, I don't care if they go back to two buttons and a D-pad.

Just kicking ass and chewing bubblegum.

Same here. Most modern games SUCK in my opinion. There are only a few goods ones that I find interesting these days. The video game industry is just so fucking uninspired.
It's fancy graphics and ultra complicated stories that cover up the fact they totally lack in reply value.
Give me the old Doom Engine Games any day of the week over most current day games