Duke Nukem: Forever

yes most current games are uninspired (I don't play that much today), but today games sales are a lot higher than in the past.
I lived the 80's gaming, the 90's and the new millenium, now I see really billions of money in the hands of the gaming industry, something you didn't see back in '85.
I enjoy anyway even new games like Dead space, total fun... uhm total scary I should say, I love it.
painkiller was fucking seriously good
like overwhelmingly good
i am proud to be among fellow painkiller fans m/

It was great to finally get another game that was all about relaxing and killing some bad guys, instead of waiting for the game to finish a stupid cutscene about a storyline you dont care about anyways. ;)
how can you compare Matt Hazzard with Duke? Seriously, wtf?

Honestly as soon as I fired up Matt Hazzard , it reminded me of Duke , with the ridiculous story , one liners , crazy characters etc. IMO they are very much alike. But from that trailer it looks like Forever hasn't come very far in 10 years... I think I'll hang on to my copy of Modern Warfare 2. And before someone says "But cmon it's DUKE NUKEM man" - that doesn't mean it should be excused for being a crappy game , I'm sure they could make a very cool Duke Nukem if they tried (or gave it to a new studio). This just looks like the same shit I played 15 years ago in hi res
A fun game is a good game, end of story.
Its pretty clear that you dont like "run & gun"-games, so i wont even bother arguing with you.
I'm kinda sick of run-n'-gunners myself, unless they have other aspects to make the combat more interesting and varied (the best example of this is Halo IMO, with the potential for dual-wielding different guns on the fly, as well as the dedicated grenade-throwing)

But yeah, MW1/2 ftw as far as I'm concerned (though I would've preferred some less-linear parts, but I guess that wouldn't be possible without sacrificing the incomprehensibly awesome scripted events :notworthy )
I ONLY play halo because i can go jump on at 3 am and still manage to find a full room...I hated the game and the story line did jack shit for me
MW and Bioshock kicks major ass, best games since Doom & Duke fo' sho'!

But man, can anyone here honestly say that they didnt like Soldier of Fortune?
Most epic run & gun evar. :kickass: