What are your favorite video game songs?

Aug 14, 2008
I don't really consider myself a "dork" for metal, but I sure as shit consider myself a dork for video games and video game music. In fact, playing Megaman X, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Killer Instinct, Super Castlevania 4, and a buttload of other classic 90's games pretty much set me up to enjoy metal later in life. What are your favorite themes?

Rules: must be original to that game, can't be a cover (no Powerglove, no remixes [as much as I love a good dubstep remix of Zelda's Lullaby theme, let's keep this real guys!]etc).

Off the top of my head, here are some of my all time favorites:

This is just off the top of my head. There are plenty more that I love! What are your favorites?
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when i think of good videogame music it is basically something that takes me to a great memory, reminds me of simpler times in my life when games where my life, late 80's 90's and early 00's . The music is not metal or rock in anyway just music that makes me happy. I do still like to play games but i will always love to play the older ones i grew up on. so these are my choices of the top of my head

wild arms intro

Resident Evil 2 save room music

Breath of fire 3 music

Metal Gear solid music

Bad Dudes

Robocop vs terminator


Mickey Mania
I don't really consider myself a "dork" for metal, but I sure as shit consider myself a dork for video games and video game music. In fact, playing Megaman X, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Killer Instinct, Super Castlevania 4, and a buttload of other classic 90's games pretty much set me up to enjoy metal later in life. What are your favorite themes?

Rules: must be original to that game, can't be a cover (no Powerglove, no remixes [as much as I love a good dubstep remix of Zelda's Lullaby theme, let's keep this real guys!]etc).

Shows how old I am getting. I was probably playing video games longer than you were alive! So, if you want to talk about dorking out on video games.... :loco:

Anyway, one of the standouts that I can remember of some of my more favorite video game music was probably a lot of the music from the old NES game The Guardian Legend. That had to of been some of the coolest music to ever come out of an NES game:

Some of the "flying" area music (including the "intro" music)

The ending theme

Some of the actual game place (basically the final stage and ending)

Also, by far, some of the most incredible music that I've heard in video games, in my opinion, pretty much came from the Final Fantasy series. I recall some awesome tracks from Final Fantasy 6 (was released on SNES as Final Fantasy III in the US).

Here is a really cool intro from the Playstation version (did not realize there was a Playstation version!):

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Nier had some great music.


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I came here all prepped to post Time's Scar, but you're way ahead of me. :p I even went out and bought the CC soundtrack a few years ago...
I had forgotten how awesome the KI theme is until Powerglove covered it. God I love that game! So due for a comeback. Also, some other Breath of Fire 3 love! I listen to that soundtrack at work whenever I need a pick me up. It's all so damned cheery, and I think it's my favorite PSone era game, so those two combined never fail to make me smile. +1 on Wild Arms (god that guitar is amazing), or anything that Michiko Naruke has composed, really. The intro to Wild Arms disc 2 is absolutely amazing. Hah hah, just looking this stuff up is making want to play approximately 200 games from my gaming past.

Hard to beat this track from Chrono Trigger.

Hate this stage, love this tune.

Same deal as the previous.

I actually recently beat this with my younger brother. Save states were involved. As was violent anger. Game designed by pure sadists. Music written by a genius.

Possibly the best side scrolling brawler ever, with a completely mental soundtrack.

Epic music to match epic scope.

One of the most underrated RPGs ever. <3 this game so much

Coming at you from the Fortress of Mana!

Forearm workout to beat this game. And one of the worst endings ever.

An unfortunately underappreciated game.

I could do this all freakin day, and that's just trying to avoid too much obvious stuff. I've got three real loves in life (non-people): Motorcycles, Music (mostly metal), and Games. Not necessarily in that order. Where games and music overlap is a particularly heavy draw.

How was Nier? It looked very entertaining, but I'm trying my best not to buy new games right now. It should be really cheap by now though...

EDIT: I forgot to mention Tenpei Sato. Dude's insane!

/totalnerdgasm all over this thread
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