Favorite Board Games?


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Mar 29, 2003
I just got back from Gamers Paradise (A midwest chain?) that carries all the cool board games as well as D&D stuff, puzzles, and everything inbetween. I bought two games I will be playing with my litlle cousins (12 and 8) that I am just psyched about. Stratego (YES!) and Crossbows and Catapults. It got me thinking about how many hours of fun I had as a kid with board games. Here are my favorites. I have listed my top 5 and then just listed the ones I liked in no specific order.

1. Stratego- Hell yeah. I loved the fact that no matter who had how many of the others pieces it was always anyones game! Capture the flag baby!
2. Chess- Duh!
3. Risk- World Domination at its finest. When playing more than 4 players it can get quite intense.
4. Monopoloy- Isn't it strange that only one company (Parker Brothers) makes Monopoly? LOL
5. Connect Four- Not technically a "board game" but I think it fits into the category

6. Checkers
7. Backgammon
8. Yahtzee
9. Life
10. Chutes And Ladders
11. Candyland
12. Hi Ho Cherry-O
13. Mousetrap

Remember when Toys R Us used to have the "Wall Of Games"?

Samurai - You place pieces in towns and cities and try to collect them by surrounding the area with your guys the most. I believe the winner is the person who has the most of any particular item but I haven't played in years.

Settlers of Catan - Create an island at the beginning of the game and then basically settle it.

Carcassonne - I don't have a clue how to explain this game so here's the wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcassonne_(board_game)

Munchkin - It's actually a card game but it's a lot of fun. You're given cards and have to fight monters to level up. First person who reaches whatever chosen level wins (we usually play to 10 otherwise you get too powerful for most of the monsters). There's also spinoffs including Star Munchkin (parody of sci fi), Munchkin Fu (asian martial arts movies), Munchkin Bites (horror role playing games), Super Munchkin (super heroes), Munchkin Cthulhu (Lovecraft), and much more. They're all pretty fun. I'll likely be playing a few games in a few weeks when I go to my friend's convention (he's a huge board game junkee and the only reason I ever heard of these 4 games).
I love Munchkin!!!!! Very underrated game!!!!! I love the play mechanics! My favorite is Munchkin Impossible ( All about Spies). I like also that you can order a Munchkin t-shirt and it comes with a picture of a good card that you can use with your hand!
Chutes and Ladders
Civilization (I think that counts)
Starfleet Battles
Federation Space (the strategic version of Starfleet Battles)
Starship Troopers
Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly and Life are far and away my favorites. I also used to enjoy a game called Solarquest, which was sort of like Monopoly in space.
Risk by far. It was always good to kill a 24 hour standby back when I was in the Army.
This certainly brings back memories....

In no particular order I used to play (or on rare occasions still play):

Conquest of the Empire (haven't played this in almost 20 years!)

A favorite of yore and technically not a board game but anyway:

What about "Sorry!" ? That's still a favorite at my parents' house.

Anybody remember those goofy games with the dice in the middle of the board surrounded by a plastic bubble that you pushed down to make the dice "roll" ? I think "Trouble" was one of them...

"Battling Tops" - I still have friends that place bets when this one comes out...

"Uncle Wiggily". My sister and I found this gem a few years ago in my parents basement. Strictly to be played after a few beers and/or .... ? Hilarity ensues as players read about the adventures of "Nurse Jane Fuzzy Wuzzy".
Oh yes, count me in on that one

Then there's:
Adv. Civilization (Avalon Hill version)

and do we count table top miniature games too?
If so, let me add:
WH40k -(I mostly played the 2:nd edition.)

and with fewer nerds/geeks in attendance:
Ave Caesar

Hmm. I've heard good things about Supremacy.

I've never played WH40k. I'm a Battletech kind of guy. But Warhammer looks like fun.
What about "Sorry!" ? That's still a favorite at my parents' house.

Anybody remember those goofy games with the dice in the middle of the board surrounded by a plastic bubble that you pushed down to make the dice "roll" ? I think "Trouble" was one of them...

Ah, yes the dice in the bubble games! I remember those, too. I think I even owned one of those as a kid but I don't recall which. I'm thinking it was "Trouble".

I also remember all those oddball games from ages ago like:

Gnip Gnop
Toss Across
Don't Spill The Beans
Never heard of Fireball Island OR Mastermind, care to elaborate?
When someone says mastermind I think of this game.

I've played it but it was never a favorite of mine.
Mastermind at boardgamegeek.com

I've never played Fireball Island but this should be it:

Fireball Island at boardgamegeek.com
Hmm. I've heard good things about Supremacy.
There are good things and there are bad things.
With the right play-group and inclusion of the expansions that doesn't bog down gameplay too much it's great. Some house rules regulating certain issues come in handy too.
Just remember to have P L E N T Y of time and take a break every once in a while to cool off. It's easy to get so upset that you don't care launching an all out attack leaves you defenseless. ;)
That said, I love this game... Hmm, maybe this is exactly why I love it... :)
I have Monopoly, Life, and (of course) Civilization at the house... I think that's it for board games. We don't play board games much, mostly card games, but I've always loved games of all sorts.

I never could quite get Mousetrap to work quite right. lol
