Dumb Question about using Cabinet-Impulses


Oct 9, 2007
Hey Dudes ...

I guess this really is a dumbass-question:

I have a passive DI-box ... Input, Through, Output and a Ground-Lift-Switch ... nothing special. And I have no clue, what I can do with it, besides using it as a splitter to record a dry guitar-track whilst recording a miced amp/cabinet.

Is this also possible?

Speaker-Output (Amp) -> DI-box Input -> Firepod -> DAW
and from the DI-box Through into the cabinet

So that I can use the signal of the amp with Cabinet-Impulses?



Aw shit ... wrong Forum ... sorry, guys ... I was checking out the Production Tipps-Forum before
You can take the preamp out and run that through the di box into the impulses, but unless you have a dummy load box (ie a palmer PGA04 ) thenyou will hurt your amp doing so .

I noticed it was the wrong forum but its no biggie.

Hope this helped
Wouldn't preamp-signal directly into a Cabinet-Impulse sound totally weird?

I thought that this "bypass-" or "through-" circuit would send the signal straight through the di-box, so that I just split the signal after the poweramp.
Ah, whatever ... the plans for an diy-isolation-cab are on my desk, so in a few days/weeks I don't need that crap anyway :)
Basicaly impulse is already include some poweramp coloration, because usually test tone runs through poweramp and then cab.
I believe most impulses extracted that way.