Dumb Reaper MIDI/VSTi question (EW Symphonic Orchestra...)


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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So I'm trying to trigger Symphonic Orchestra Gold from Reaper via MIDI and I get no output... I'm inserting it as an effect on the track, which works perfectly when using apTrigga for MIDI, or ReaSynth... Is there some weird routing I have to take care of to actually get the EWSOG VSTi to output properly?
I don't use Reaper or Symphonic Orchestra Gold, but I do use Cubase and Symphonic Orchestra Silver.

I never use EWSO on an instrument track. I always load it into a VSTi rack space and assign midi tracks to the 8 different instrument slots that the EWSO has. If I select 18 violins on the EQSO interface's 1st slot, I set the midi track I made to 1 and so on until all 8 are filled up. Then I make sure I'm getting a signal (a light turns on in Cubase when I hit a note). Then I set the input on the midi track to all midi inputs. I don't know how it's done in Reaper, but that's what I do in Cubase.
Have you asked at the Reaper forums yet? Those guys are usually pretty helpful. I don't have EWSO so I couldn't tell you, but I've noticed this a few times with some VSTi's. BTW, this may be a bit obvious but it happens to me, have you made sure you're sending it and the folder it is in to the master/parent?
I figured it out guys, the notes in the MIDI track I was using were on channel 3 and I only had an instrument loaded into the 1st slot in the EWSOG interface. I didn't realize that those 8 slots corresponded with MIDI channels. I'm pretty much a n00b to VSTi's and MIDI routing in a DAW so this was a bit of a learning experience haha... Thanks for the help guys!
Dude, let me know how you get on, I've just ordered EWSO Silver and I use Reaper also. Be interesting to hear how easy it is to get a decent sound out of this.
Wow, awesome. I can't wait to get back home for the Easter Break and get my studio stuff up and running again. Is EWSO a CPU hog? I'm thinking I may be able to only run it on its own for a while until I upgrade my Computer.
Wow, awesome. I can't wait to get back home for the Easter Break and get my studio stuff up and running again. Is EWSO a CPU hog? I'm thinking I may be able to only run it on its own for a while until I upgrade my Computer.

It barely touches my cpu. With sample based instruments your ram will be generally where you will take a hit and each instrument patch is different in regards to ram consumption.