Dumbest studio mistake(s) you've ever made?

my band recorded a new song, after we finished tracking i started to mix.
so far so god... then my HDD crashed and all was gone.
since that day i know why my guitarist told me to do a backup - which i did NOT do.

for now - backup > all
A few minor boo boos here and there; but my worst was fortunately on my band a good few years ago!

Some models of apogee rosetta default to 96K when you power them on... I was recording at 44.1...
So after about two takes of.... do you think the songs is REALLY slow and sounds wierd??? I figured the problem!
Yeah guys, PLEASE back up your shit! EVERY band I work with, I require them to buy TWO external OWC drives (or if they already have another backup drive that's cool). Twice a day I sync the two drives with Synchronize X plus software (pretty cheap iirc). So at the very most, I'd lose half a days work. Then the bands also have all the files, and I'm not responsible for keeping them after the project is done.

That method will keep you from losing 3 weeks of work...
just wanted to add to this real quick:

I tracked an entire album with a band last year, but we couldn't do vocals because the singer had to get some sort of surgery done to fix her vocal chords. Long story short, all of their files were in some other band's folder, and i deleted everything. They were coming in today to start vocal tracking, and i opened the session up to "4000 missing fades, 931 missing files".

Not only is this a huge bummer to me and the band, but it was also a waste of 3 fucking weeks. This tops the list of the dumbest studio mistakes i've ever made.

OUCH! Sorry to hear that Brian!
I own an original 5150 and a triaxis / simul 2:90 plus have instant access to a dual rec anytime I wish ... marshall and mesa cab .... and on my last cd I recorded all my guitars with ...

A fucking POD

Never again

how about sending me that 5150 then? you obviously don't need it! :D
j/k of course... and yeah, about your 2nd post. I'm totally guilty of striking the wrong note/chord on my own songs when recording... :)
it was actually backing up that ended up screwing me over(well the way i was backing up, plus a series of other unfortunate stuff).

Basically what happened was the disk allocation for all the tracks was set wrong the entire time we tracked the album, so all of their audio files were being saved onto another band's folder(easy to overlook, but very stupid not to keep track of). So when i finished up band #2, i was in "save hard drive space mode", so what did was "save copy as" to my backup drive, then deleted the original folder(since i was completely done with the band #2 at this point, i figured i only needed the session files, and none of the extra takes, ect.). Unfortunately for me, band #1's audio files were part of the deleted folder, hence my current predicament.

Now days, i use Alwaysync to automatically backup the band i'm currently working on, so at worst i lose 1 days worth of work. When i'm finished with a band, i just copy the entire folder(unused takes and all) to a separate back up drive. So i always have at least 2 versions at a time.
ALKEMYST first album was recorded during summer 2001. On september, after 56 days of incredibly hard work, the hard drive crashed. There were no saves. This is true. The studio owner and ingeneer were kind enough to offer us to re-record the album. We did it on summer 2002.
This was a stupid mistake, but in the end, it's been a good thing : the second version is far better than the first one.
ALKEMYST first album was recorded during summer 2001. On september, after 56 days of incredibly hard work, the hard drive crashed. There were no saves. This is true. The studio owner and ingeneer were kind enough to offer us to re-record the album. We did it on summer 2002.
This was a stupid mistake, but in the end, it's been a good thing : the second version is far better than the first one.

that had to be a huuuuuugeee bummer, but i'm thinking the same thing. The 2nd version of this band's album will be much better. I've learned a lot since they last recorded with me
mix a demo with the sub off by accident. but i treated like i'm used to bass as if there was a sub. since it was a quick job i didn't bother doing much car referencing or anything. heard it at the very end and it was pretty intense with the amount of bass and mud there was.

last second before mastering i just went in and did a quick low end reduction. no one ever knew a thing of it, and never will!!!
Well if i can call my bedroom "studio" a studio...

One of the dumbest mistakes and the mistake i keep repeating is leaving a "levelling amplifier" plugin on my soundcards hardware effect list after using it to autoamplify too quiet movies and forgetting about the plugin, then loading my DAW and getting annoyed at the strangely bad sound, looking for a possible cause, checking cables for like 15 minutes and then... aaaaahhhhhh (facepalm) !
Forgetting to arm the room microphone in the DAW, and realizing it after a perfect drum take...
Did some guitar recording a few weeks ago. Tracked an entire song. Realised instead of tracking two microphones to two tracks, I was tracking a single microphone to two tracks - so I lost my 421 basically. Had to re-track. Only added an hour on to the day, but stressed me out!!