During the recent US Tour


My Arms, Your Casket
Sep 29, 2005
Did anyone hear Mikael make mention of Enslaved
or Grutle say anything about Opeth during their live performances ??

At the Boston show I don't believe either of them said a word about the other band. Isn't this part of touring 101. I'm not sure if I've ever seen that at a show ? Usually the front men go out of their way to praise the supporting or headlining acts.

I'm sure it was just an oversight....
At NYC Grutle said, "Are you ready for Opeth!", and when the audience cheered he said, "well you have to listen the rest of our setlist first."
My show was the last one of the US leg (just like last year - DC/Baltimore), so they both referred to each other an obnoxious number of times, including the fart machine Mikael references in his last blog :p