DVD Release Date! 8.11.04

DEAD GOOG NEWS cheers for the thread Andy. Can't wait to see this DVD. I think I have wore out the old one you sent me andy lol - although I can't get enough of the Mine is Yours... promo - it's fucking boss. You guide us with that torch duncan hahaha!! Top stuff, I love how the frames are layered too, makes it dead grainy - infact can anyone tell me who filmed/produced that - i'd like to see more of their work...

anyway catch you kids later.

ps. vikki secretly bums the libertines
Yes, ''Mine is Yours'' kicks ass.

But... I wanted to see more songs with the string quartet on the DVD... :cry:
I really wanted to be at that show actually. This release should have much more songs. I think I wanted a double DVD. One disk with a regular show of the band (you know,plugged strings) and one with parts of acoustic shows and songs with the string quartet! I just can't get enough!

Anyway, if it takes the DVD any longer to come out, I'll hang a big sock (not Strangelight's) near my fireplace and I'll order it to Santa Claus!!! :grin:
darkladykleio said:
Yes, ''Mine is Yours'' kicks ass.

But... I wanted to see more songs with the string quartet on the DVD... :cry:
I really wanted to be at that show actually. This release should have much more songs. I think I wanted a double DVD. One disk with a regular show of the band (you know,plugged strings) and one with parts of acoustic shows and songs with the string quartet! I just can't get enough!

Anyway, if it takes the DVD any longer to come out, I'll hang a big sock (not Strangelight's) near my fireplace and I'll order it to Santa Claus!!! :grin:
whats wrong with my sock? whos sock would you prefer to cook?
so, now we have a date for the dvd release..
when is the release party??
i wouldn't mind to organise one at Zigzag.. :grin: so Danny.. when can you people play?