Old School Youngin
Mar 10, 2002
north carolina
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Considering this recent talk about dvds, what are some good music dvds to buy with the exception of britanny spears: live spearing, and backdoor boys: live execution, i already have those, but what are some good ones, megadeth btm is all i got, it rules
The only music DVDs I have are the 2 S.O.D. ones, the Anthrax-Killer As, and Black Sabbath Last Supper.
They are all good.
Don't know how new it is but I just found a Sepultura DVD called Chaos DVD. It consists of the 3 old Sepultura home videos all on one DVD and it kicks major ass. Over 3 hours of the good stuff.
Originally posted by KY_Fried442
Don't know how new it is but I just found a Sepultura DVD called Chaos DVD. It consists of the 3 old Sepultura home video's all on one DVD and it kicks major ass. Over 3 hours of the good stuff.

FUCKING SWEEEEET! I have to go change my shorts and Levi's now.
I had no idea that I could own that mother-fucker!
:D :D
The Chaos DVD is fuckin awesome. I just picked up Megadeths Rude Awaking, also fuckin awesome.

If you want a Maiden dvd Id go for "Raising Hell" before "Rock in Rio". It was Bruces last show with Maiden before he left the band. It was an incredible show! :headbang:

Also you can get all three Pantera home videos on one dvd now, worth pickin up. So is Hypocrisy's Live & Clips.
Oh yes! How could I forget "Pantera-3 Vulgar Videos From Hell"?
That is another must-have music DVD.
Those dudes from Pantera are some crazy mother fuckers.
Ok, I digress, you guys take enough shit and Ky ain't all bad. After all, you gave us the great Dr. Hunter S. Thompson and the Dukes of Hazzard. Arkansas is a different story. Those fuckers are weird....

hell yeah man, beatles started the rock revolution and they made it sound good too. Even though it aint cannibal corpse, shit its revolutionary for its time, pay reverence....................