dynamic control


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hi my friends!! Nice to meet you!
I am working with the EP of my band (rock-pop xd) and I have some serious problems with the drums: the drummer hit the snare with a lot of dynamics even with ghost notes.
So I pretend to use drumagog, but when i set up this plugins it still reads the dynamic of the beats, even when i am using just one sample, my question is what can I do to make all the hits sound equal?
i use reaper.
thank you for all my friend! this forum rocks!!! :headbang:

(sorry for my english)
You could also convert audio to midi using ReaGate and edit every hit manually.
You could also convert audio to midi using ReaGate and edit every hit manually.

Was going to mention this.

Though I've never tried it using ReaGate. I've always "Dynamic Split" the track then converted to chromatic midi, which works, but I have to go in and manually fix a lot of stuff after.
Ahh yes, that WAS you who posted that a while back. Thank you for that, sir! Reallllly helped me out.

I'm just curious as to why Dynamic Split doesn't detect all the transients, even if most of them are clearly about the same size/volume. I always get extra midi info and missed hits randomly.