Dynazty: Renatus is my most played disc of the year

God dammit guys. I didn't want to just make a new thread about this but......god dammit.

I resisted Dynazty because that name is just.....bad. Goofy. But fuck if Renatus hasn't just sneaked up on me and shown me the way. It's not that I don't trust you people...but sometimes my tastes don't echo the common denominator of this forum. I just couldn't get into bands like Voodoo Circle or Pink Cream 69 or others that some describe as "hard rock" or whatever...but this Dynazty album has enough power metal to satisfy me and so many catchy melodies and choruses that I just think it's a headbanging monster. I don't know how long it's going to take to get the chorus of "Starlight" out of my head. I'm okay with that. It's fucking awesome.

Dynazty is still a stupid band name. But..maybe that's the appeal? Given their album covers and band photos, the band doesn't seem to be taking themselves THAT seriously. So yeah. I was never going to skip them come ProgPower. But fuck if I won't be right up front with everybody else singing along! I have seen the light.
Dynazty and Orden Ogan are my daughter's favorite bands. It's funny watching a 1 year old headband but I own't discourage it. I just hope she gets a chance to come some year.
Dynazty and Orden Ogan are my daughter's favorite bands. It's funny watching a 1 year old headband but I own't discourage it. I just hope she gets a chance to come some year.

Awesome! My daughter (now 7) got into Pretty Maids when she was 3. She still listens to Pandemonium frequently and has made me swear repeatedly that I will take her with me if they ever come back to Atlanta.