Ear Infection....


Jun 17, 2008
Have any of you dealt with an ear infection??!!!

Oh Man DOES IT SUCKS BALLS!!! I been out for the last 3 weeks or so dealing with this annoying thing that i hope no of you have to go through!

It all started when my right ear felt VERY clogged like if i had water in there, i couldnt hear that good, so i just figured ill go away tomorrow... days became one week lol... till i finally when to the Doctors and yeah... it resulted i had an ear infection, and i got some Anti-biotics, and some ear drops.....

Im reporting one week after taking medication and it has got a little better, but it seems like the infection is still there because i still feel my ear a little swollen=[

Do any of you know how long does it take for an ear infection to completely go away??? I want to return jamming out and work on mixes =]
I have no clue on time but I am three days in on mine with antibiotics and everything. Seems to be almost gone but hurts a little.
It depends entirely on the severity and location of the infection, but make sure you take real good care and follow your doctors instruction. I'm interning at a hospital right now, and I've seen some real horror cases when it comes to ear infections lately.
I managed to screw up my ear drum while diving one summer, and had a very painful two weeks after that, but if I recall correctly, within a month, I was as good as new
Ive been treated for about a year now i think.. still not even near cured, in fact, they cant find an infection any more, but my ears are still fucked up(Hurts like hell.).
I had an ear infection last year and it sucked, I couldn't sleep because of the pain for two weeks.

My recommendation is to take stronger antibiotics and use eardrops, watch when you shower as well.

I had "glue ear" as a kid, that wasn't pleasant.

Not had anything since then though and it never had any permanent effects thank god.
I dunno whats up with my ear, maybe its just been irritated by something, but every now and then for the past few days the pinna starts stinging! as if I had been stung by a bee. Highly doubt its an infection of any kind but thought id share :p
Yeah guys it sucks lol.

BTW when u have an ear infection do you guys suggest not to listen to music at all to i guess to "rest" your ears/??

Or doesnt really matter...
Ive been treated for about a year now i think.. still not even near cured, in fact, they cant find an infection any more, but my ears are still fucked up(Hurts like hell.).

Same deal, minus the pain. Doctors don't seem to be able to deal with middle-ear issues that well. My right ear has felt congested for about a year and a half now. Watch yourself, there are some things out there you can't just bounce back from.
Damn dude, I assume that the congestion interfered with your perception of sound (rather than just vertigo/balance issues); has it affected things like your perception of stereo image?
Yeah guys it sucks lol.

BTW when u have an ear infection do you guys suggest not to listen to music at all to i guess to "rest" your ears/??

Or doesnt really matter...

As long as you are listening at reasonable levels and not through headphones, it should be fine.

Tip #1 when it comes to earinfections/irritations: _NEVER_ use a qtip or get water in your ear.
It might give you short relief, but it really makes it worse(Pushing the bacteria around in your ear/thinning out the skin in your ear.).

Same deal, minus the pain. Doctors don't seem to be able to deal with middle-ear issues that well. My right ear has felt congested for about a year and a half now. Watch yourself, there are some things out there you can't just bounce back from.

Yeah, i know.
Ive talked to my doctor and im going to be sent to a specialist to check my ears(Since they cant see the infection, or find it by culturing bacteria-samples from my ears.). ;X

Im just hoping that they at least can tell me wtf is going on with my ears.
I hope they can for your sake too dude. If you do stumble upon some miracle cure, please give me a heads up because I would love to know as well. It really does suck having to work in an industry relying primarily on ears and only having one 'good' one. So far all the overpaid slack-arses here have told me to do is use nasal spray and pop my ears forcefully a few times a day.
Man as much as you want to get back into jamming and mixing,you know you should sit it out,so do so!

I'm no doctor but i'd encourage you to let it heal,and don't think about it....what you put your attention on grows!
Not specifically ear infection related but ear related...

I do get a strange loud ringing tinnitus that lasts for about five to ten seconds every couple of days, I've always thought it was wierd, it's never been enough to incovenience me in anyway, I just wondered if anyone else has ever had the same thing?
Öwen;8245574 said:
Not specifically ear infection related but ear related...

I do get a strange loud ringing tinnitus that lasts for about five to ten seconds every couple of days, I've always thought it was wierd, it's never been enough to incovenience me in anyway, I just wondered if anyone else has ever had the same thing?

Thats due to high bloodpressure.
That symptom is pretty common with coffee drinkers, i know, i used to have the same problem my self.
The way i got rid of it was by actually getting tinnitus! NOW ITS MUCH BETTER! :Smug::lol: