Ear infection.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
I have it on my right ear and has blown away all my stereo width, in fact I hear everything with my left ear only, and the right has kind of a natural lowpass at 200hz :lol:

That is on the middle of half a dozen of projects with their deadlines each...


I'm taking antibiotics (Azythromicine), mucolytics (Pseudoephedrine) and anti-inflammatories (Metamizol), but this doesn't improve too much yet...

FML again :lol:
Who gave you that combination of medications?

Me, but with the approval of my local pharmacist.

I don't have health insurance here, so each visit to the doctor costs me about 80€ without any prescription discounts.
So as I'm studying Medicine right now and have some nice notes I got that. It's not like it's gonna be wonderful the second day I'm taking everything, but I expected the Pseudoephedrine to be more effective unclogging my ears :lol:
What you should use is hydrocortisone, it will "cure" almost any ear infection in a week.
I have a chronic ear infection(Comes and goes every month or so.), and my doctor always prescribed me hydrocortisone.
I got Penicillin the third time i was treated for it, but it didnt really do much more then the cortisone.
I got some Dexametasone+Trimetoprim (30 times more potent than hydrocortisone + antibiotic) ear drops here, just in case the initial treatment fails. Thanks for the suggestion!

Got it because 2 of my flatmates have doctors in their families, so my flat is like a pharma cy :lol:
I had my first ever ear infection a few years ago. It only lasted a couple for days. About a year later it was back, but this time I couldn't get rid of it so I went to my doctor. We tried everything, oral antibiotics, drops, you name it, it wouldn't go away. It lasted months. Eventually the Dr gave me some drops called "Ciproxin HC". I'm not kidding, it was an almost instant cure, with in four hours it felt like I'd had no ear infection at all.
Well, good luck with it. I know how nasty these can be. Last one I had has left the hearing in my right ear impaired for 2 and a half years now.

OUCH! How is mixing professionally with that? I'm afraid of losing my ability because of this, and it's been a week! Can't imagine to be fucked for 2 and a half years :erk:

I had my first ever ear infection a few years ago. It only lasted a couple for days. About a year later it was back, but this time I couldn't get rid of it so I went to my doctor. We tried everything, oral antibiotics, drops, you name it, it wouldn't go away. It lasted months. Eventually the Dr gave me some drops called "Ciproxin HC". I'm not kidding, it was an almost instant cure, with in four hours it felt like I'd had no ear infection at all.

By the name it sounds like Ciprofloxacin with hydrocortisone, and that's more or less what I have in my drawer :lol:
yeah ive suffered from those badly over the years...
amoxycilian doesn't do as much as having an ear spray (ottomise)
Ahh I remember my ear infection
Took all these medicines(Anti biotics all that shit)

well to my surprise i have hearing in my right ear impaired too.
My right ear feels like its clogged... Its not that bad probably because i got use to it, but none the less it bothers me :(
well to my surprise i have hearing in my right ear impaired too.
My right ear feels like its clogged... Its not that bad probably because i got use to it, but none the less it bothers me :(

If your ear feels clogged, its probably some form of imbalance in your eardrum(Which can be corrected.).
I think you should look it up, because then you wont have to fix it in teh mix(HURDURR).
Yeah idk dude I went to ENT and he just told me it was permanent damage... Kind of asshole doc... so I might go get another second opinion but i need to wait till I get insurance again.
Yeah, i had that pressure in my ear after my 4th or 5th infection, and the doctor told me to lie down, then he twisted my head in some weird directions and it was gone.
bug flew in my ear a couple of years back. That was not a fun week. REEEEEEEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEE in your fucking ear, like a damn saw.
OUCH! How is mixing professionally with that? I'm afraid of losing my ability because of this, and it's been a week! Can't imagine to be fucked for 2 and a half years :erk:

It's ok, you get used to it. Your good ear tends to compensate a lot for the high frequencies and you balance based on that.

The hardest thing tends to be telling when there are imbalances in the stereo image, since your 'normal' stereo image is unbalanced anyway.

Doctors were completely useless for it. I had the whole array of tests done twice, everyone just said 'you'll have to live with it'.

Honestly it just feels like if some motherfucker were to open me up and make an incision into the eustachian tube, that would be it, all the crap would unclog and let me hear again.

I've read around the net and lots of people have permanent issues with their eustachain tubes. Medical profession seems kinda useless when it comes to ears.... or anything else, in my case.
Oh yeah!
Right ear is back! :D