Got the heaviest infection in the xmas hollydays

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
It started at the second xmas hollyday (i think the 27th)
with a pain in my right ear.
After some natural medicine the pain went away and then the next day BAM.

I got a fever and slime was comming out my noise like crazy. I couldnt breath through my noise till the day before yesterday.
Hearing was totaly fucked. When I listened to music it sounded someone was breaking glass or playing drums on metal barrels.
I went to the doctor and she gave me some heavy antibiotics and eardrops
I celebrated new years eve at home on the coach and went to bet 5mins after the new year came in with purulence comming out my eyes.
So I got an ear infection, amygdalitis , green slime commin out of everything but the fever was gone.

Good start in the new year.

Now I have deadlines running out (4 till january the 14th)
So I was afraid I have got some ear damage and the sound change was permanent so today I went to the specialist.

Good news:
I still got the PERFECT hearing. Everything is better then perfectly fine.
The specialist was super impressed :)

When I did the hearing tests I was sometimes faster then the guy could type in. So we had to repeat some frequencies and words so he and the computer get my tempo

I am so happy!!!
I have to rest a couple more days and then I kick the deadlines in the ass :)