the sinus infection thread!


Useless. Once you get your needed dose of Vitamin C for the day, you eliminate the rest in your urine. And you need VERY little Vitamin C.

Also, while Gonorrhea and bronchitis are supposed to have different treatments, both are bacterial infections, which requires the use of antibiotics.

You would be suprised that some diseases like syphillis requires the same treatment (although with a different posology) than say..... a sinusitis (don't take this for granted, I'd have to double check that)

Zithromax? It could be use for many things, syphillis included.

And yeah... your doctor doesn't sound very competent, I'd find a new one.

Finally, naming side effects like mental retardation and stuff is only good at making the crowd panick, these are extremely rare (less than 1%)
hope all you sickies feel better soon. i've had a little something going on since friday. coughing, snotting, sore throat at times. i haven't been feeling too bad at all, but i kept feeling this hard thing with my tongue at the back of my throat near a spit gland (i guess that's what it is).

no, not a penis. i got the flashlight and sure enough there was a white thing back there. so i took a q-tip dipped in salt and scrubbed at it. seems mostly gone now, woot.