Early, but...

I'm thinkin' a looong night of Fallout 3 and PBR talls is in order tonight. For some reason I always end up coming home depressed when I go out on New Year's Eve. Plus, way too many cops.

But yeah Happy New Years and Happy Birthday DarkNoise!
I'm thinkin' a looong night of Fallout 3 and PBR talls is in order tonight. For some reason I always end up coming home depressed when I go out on New Year's Eve. Plus, way too many cops.

But yeah Happy New Years and Happy Birthday DarkNoise!

Not goin' anywhere? Bummer. You should drive up here have a kick-ass new years. :P
Fucking blizzard, but ima walk over to a friends tonight and get drunk and maybe play some video games because that would be the metal thing to do.
Lets hope I don't pull a Valfar.
Not goin' anywhere? Bummer. You should drive up here have a kick-ass new years. :P
I dunno, I've never been a fan of being hungover on the first day of a brand new year. Someday I think I wanna make like that car commercial where the group of people drive out to the first corner of the earth that the sun hits on New Year's Day and watch it come up. That sounds more fun than getting slammed in a crowded bar playing bullshit music with rowdy drunks that pretend they "looooove you maaaaaan!!!!!"
I'm playing it extra low key tonight. Go over to a buddy's, have a couple beers.

Gotta work early tomorrow.
Thanks for the gratitudes peoples. Thus far i like Kevin's idea - Fallout3 and PBR or Buckethead. I was gonna go to buckethead, but unfortunately won't be able to make it in time for the first half hour. What's the point in going then...

And Derek - "I shall give libations to the Gods in your honour!"

Make that give Labia's to me and I'll be happy.
I'm thinkin' a looong night of Fallout 3 and PBR talls is in order tonight. For some reason I always end up coming home depressed when I go out on New Year's Eve. Plus, way too many cops.

But yeah Happy New Years and Happy Birthday DarkNoise!

You got the right idea, Kevin! I'm not going anywhere either. :kickass: I thought I'd let pure sard take over, and just have a good time doing whatever I felt like. That is a good start of the year!